Design Converter
Software Development Executive - III
Last updated on Feb 21, 2024
Last updated on Feb 20, 2024
RTK Query is a robust data fetching and caching tool within the Redux Toolkit package that simplifies loading data into your application. TypeScript, a strongly typed superset of JavaScript, enhances the development experience by providing type safety and reducing runtime errors. When combined, RTK Query and TypeScript offer a robust solution for managing the state of your application's data in a predictable and type-safe manner.
You must set up your development environment before diving into RTK Query's functionality. Install the Redux Toolkit package and TypeScript by running:
1npm install @reduxjs/toolkit typescript 2
Next, configure TypeScript by initializing a tsconfig.json file:
1npx tsc --init 2
RTK Query is a part of the Redux Toolkit package that provides tools to simplify data fetching, caching, and state management. It is designed to auto-generate React hooks based on your API endpoints, which can then be used to fetch data and cache it efficiently.
Data fetching is a common task in web applications, and RTK Query streamlines this entire data fetching process. It allows you to retrieve data from an API and cache data automatically, reducing the need to write data-fetching logic manually.
With RTK Query, you no longer need to write action creators, reducers, or custom middleware for data fetching. RTK Query's functionality includes auto-generated hooks that handle the loading data state, caching logic, and more.
An API slice is a RTK Query concept representing a collection of endpoint definitions for a specific API. Here's how you can create one using TypeScript:
1import { createApi, fetchBaseQuery } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react'; 2 3interface Post { 4 id: number; 5 title: string; 6} 7 8export const apiSlice = createApi({ 9 reducerPath: 'api', 10 baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: '/api' }), 11 endpoints: (builder) => ({ 12 getPosts: builder.query<Post[], void>({ 13 query: () => 'posts', 14 }), 15 }), 16}); 17
Query endpoints are the specific functions within an API slice that define how to fetch data for a particular resource.
The builder.query method is used to define a query endpoint. It takes a query argument and returns a query function that can be used to fetch data.
1export const apiSlice = createApi({ 2 // ...other slice properties 3 endpoints: (builder) => ({ 4 getPostById: builder.query<Post, number>({ 5 query: (id) => `posts/${id}`, 6 }), 7 }), 8}); 9
When defining a query endpoint, you can specify query parameters or arguments to customize the request:
1export const apiSlice = createApi({ 2 // ...other slice properties 3 endpoints: (builder) => ({ 4 getPostsByCategory: builder.query<Post[], string>({ 5 query: (category) => `posts?category=${category}`, 6 }), 7 }), 8}); 9
RTK Query automatically generates hooks for each query endpoint, which you can use in your React components to fetch and display data.
1const { data: posts, isLoading } = apiSlice.useGetPostsQuery(); 2
Mutations are operations that modify data on the server, such as POST, PUT, or DELETE requests.
Queries are used to fetch data, while mutations change or update data. In RTK Query, you define mutations using the builder.mutation method.
1export const apiSlice = createApi({ 2 // ...other slice properties 3 endpoints: (builder) => ({ 4 addPost: builder.mutation<Post, Partial<Post>>({ 5 query: (newPost) => ({ 6 url: 'posts', 7 method: 'POST', 8 body: newPost, 9 }), 10 }), 11 }), 12}); 13
Caching is an essential feature of RTK Query that improves performance by reusing previously fetched data.
You can customize the caching behavior by specifying options in the API slice:
1export const apiSlice = createApi({ 2 // ...other slice properties 3 endpoints: (builder) => ({ 4 // ...endpoints 5 }), 6 keepUnusedDataFor: 60, // time in seconds 7}); 8
RTK Query provides mechanisms to invalidate cached data to ensure the UI displays the most current information. You can specify conditions under which the cache should be invalidated:
1export const apiSlice = createApi({ 2 // ...other slice properties 3 endpoints: (builder) => ({ 4 getPosts: builder.query<Post[], void>({ 5 query: () => 'posts', 6 providesTags: ['Post'], 7 }), 8 addPost: builder.mutation<Post, Partial<Post>>({ 9 query: (newPost) => ({ 10 url: 'posts', 11 method: 'POST', 12 body: newPost, 13 }), 14 invalidatesTags: ['Post'], 15 }), 16 }), 17}); 18
RTK Query supports advanced data fetching and caching strategies tailored to complex application needs.
You can define endpoints that accept multiple parameters to fetch data based on various query arguments:
1export const apiSlice = createApi({ 2 // ...other slice properties 3 endpoints: (builder) => ({ 4 getPostsByAuthorAndCategory: builder.query<Post[], { authorId: number; category: string }>({ 5 query: ({ authorId, category }) => `posts?authorId=${authorId}&category=${category}`, 6 }), 7 }), 8}); 9
RTK Query supports optimistic updates, allowing the UI to react to changes before the server confirms them:
1export const apiSlice = createApi({ 2 // ...other slice properties 3 endpoints: (builder) => ({ 4 updatePost: builder.mutation<Post, Partial<Post>>({ 5 query: (updatedPost) => ({ 6 url: `posts/${}`, 7 method: 'PUT', 8 body: updatedPost, 9 }), 10 // Optimistically update the cache 11 onQueryStarted: async (updatedPost, { dispatch, queryFulfilled }) => { 12 const patchResult = dispatch( 13 apiSlice.util.updateQueryData('getPosts', undefined, (draft) => { 14 const post = draft.find((p) => ===; 15 if (post) { 16 Object.assign(post, updatedPost); 17 } 18 }) 19 ); 20 try { 21 await queryFulfilled; 22 } catch { 23 patchResult.undo(); 24 } 25 }, 26 }), 27 }), 28}); 29
RTK Query is designed to work seamlessly with the Redux store, providing a consistent approach to state management.
To connect your API slice to the Redux store, you need to include the generated reducer in your store configuration:
1import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'; 2import { apiSlice } from './apiSlice'; 3 4export const store = configureStore({ 5 reducer: { 6 [apiSlice.reducerPath]: apiSlice.reducer, 7 }, 8 middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) => 9 getDefaultMiddleware().concat(apiSlice.middleware), 10}); 11
You can access cached data directly from the Redux store using the selectors provided by RTK Query:
1import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'; 2import { apiSlice } from './apiSlice'; 3 4const selectPostsResult =; 5const { data: posts } = useSelector(selectPostsResult); 6
RTK Query provides hooks that automatically manage the state of fetched data, including loading and error states:
1const { data: posts, isLoading, isError } = apiSlice.useGetPostsQuery(); 2
Combining RTK Query with TypeScript not only ensures type safety but also optimizes the performance of your application.
RTK Query's caching mechanism prevents duplicate requests for the same data, reducing unnecessary network traffic and improving performance.
The auto-generated hooks provided by RTK Query handle the entire data fetching process, including loading states, which makes loading data into your components efficient and straightforward.
TypeScript's static typing helps catch errors early in development, leading to safer and more predictable code when working with RTK Query.
RTK Query and React Query are modern tools for data fetching and state management in React applications, but they have some differences.
While React Query is a standalone library focused on data fetching and caching, RTK Query is part of the Redux Toolkit package designed to integrate with Redux for global state management.
RTK Query is a good choice when you already use Redux for state management and want a cohesive solution for both global and server states. It provides tight integration with Redux and leverages the Redux ecosystem for debugging and dev tooling.
RTK Query's integration with TypeScript offers type safety, intelligent code completion, and robust refactoring capabilities, making it an attractive choice for TypeScript users.
Understanding the relationship between Redux Toolkit and RTK Query is essential for leveraging their combined power in your applications.
Redux Toolkit is the official, opinionated, batteries-included toolset for efficient Redux development. It includes utilities that simplify common Redux patterns and reduce boilerplate.
RTK Query is a part of the Redux Toolkit that specifically addresses data fetching and caching needs. It complements the core Redux Toolkit package by providing a standardized way to manage server state.
The synergy between Redux Toolkit and RTK Query lies in their shared goal of simplifying Redux development. RTK Query extends the capabilities of Redux Toolkit by handling the complexities of data fetching and caching.
RTK Query is designed with developer experience in mind, mainly when used with TypeScript.
RTK Query's TypeScript integration ensures that every part of your data fetching workflow is type-safe, from defining endpoints to using hooks in your components.
TypeScript enhances the development experience by providing auto-completion for RTK Query APIs and real-time error checking, which can prevent many common mistakes.
The combination of RTK Query and TypeScript leads to a more enjoyable and productive developer experience, with less time spent on boilerplate and more on feature development.
Let's walk through a real-world example of building a feature using RTK Query and TypeScript.
We'll create a feature that fetches and displays a list of posts from an API:
1// Define the API slice 2export const apiSlice = createApi({ 3 reducerPath: 'api', 4 baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: '/api' }), 5 endpoints: (builder) => ({ 6 getPosts: builder.query<Post[], void>({ 7 query: () => 'posts', 8 }), 9 }), 10}); 11 12// Use the auto-generated hook in a component 13const PostsList: React.FC = () => { 14 const { data: posts, isLoading } = apiSlice.useGetPostsQuery(); 15 16 if (isLoading) return <div>Loading...</div>; 17 18 return ( 19 <ul> 20 {posts?.map((post) => ( 21 <li key={}>{post.title}</li> 22 ))} 23 </ul> 24 ); 25}; 26
For the above API slice, we define a TypeScript interface for the expected shape of a post:
1interface Post { 2 id: number; 3 title: string; 4 content: string; 5} 6
The useGetPostsQuery hook is used within the PostsList component to fetch and render the list of posts, with TypeScript ensuring the correct data types are used throughout.
Consider the following best practices to get the most out of RTK Query with TypeScript.
Keep your API slice definitions, types, and hooks organized in separate files or folders to maintain a clean and manageable codebase.
Maximize code reuse by creating generic hooks and endpoints that can be used across different components and features in your application.
Continuously define and use TypeScript interfaces or types for API responses and arguments to ensure type safety throughout your application.
Even with the power of RTK Query and TypeScript, developers can encounter common pitfalls.
Common issues include type mismatches and cache invalidation problems. Ensure that your TypeScript types align with your API responses and that cache tags are used correctly to invalidate and refetch data as needed.
Use Redux DevTools to inspect the state and actions, and check the network tab in your browser's developer tools to debug data fetching and caching issues.
RTK Query and TypeScript represent a modern approach to managing server state in web applications. As we look to the future, the combination of RTK Query's robust data fetching and caching capabilities with TypeScript's type safety is poised to streamline the development process further.
RTK Query simplifies the data fetching and caching process, while TypeScript ensures type safety and enhances code quality. This synergy leads to more maintainable and scalable applications.
As the Redux ecosystem continues to evolve, RTK Query will play a significant role in shaping the future of state management, particularly in applications that require robust data fetching and caching solutions.
RTK Query has already substantially impacted how developers handle server state, and its integration with TypeScript only amplifies its effectiveness. As we move forward, we can expect RTK Query to remain a key player in the Redux toolkit, offering developers a streamlined and efficient way to manage data fetching and caching in their React applications.
In conclusion, RTK Query and TypeScript provide a robust, efficient, and type-safe way to handle data fetching and caching in modern web applications. Whether you're building a small project or a large-scale enterprise application, the combination of RTK Query's functionality and TypeScript's type system will help you write more predictable and easier-to-maintain code. As the web development landscape continues to evolve, tools like RTK Query will be at the forefront, assisting developers to create better user experiences with less effort.
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