Paint apps to Life
with Flutter Builder

Are you looking for comprehensive resources to build an iOS and Android application in a whiff?

Figma to code
State management
Design customization
200K developers from the world's leading companies use DhiWise

Imagine a world where you can focus on coding and innovation.

Turn your ideas into Flutter Apps faster by automating the development process with DhiWise, the all-in-one mobile app development platform which will generate Flutter code in clean code architecture with the support of GetX state management.

Optimized for Developers

DhiWise generates clean, reusable, modular and developer-friendly code with zero dependencies and minimal code refactoring.


Coming Soon: WiseGPT, a one-of-a-kind promptless AI code assistant

WiseGPT analyzes your entire codebase to produce production-ready, personalized code, without writing prompts

Access to our early waitlist is rolled out and would be open for all soon.

Flexible UIs

Now ship design-specific attributes with a focus on end-user experiences. Get hold of Flutter’s Figma compatibility, layered architecture, and support for customization, for creating expressive, flexible, and fast rendering UIs.


Life Cycle Management

The on Init method lifecycle method supported by our ProCode platform lets you override widget functionalities to suit end-user requirements.


Code Generator

Regardless of how you approach the flexible and expressive designs in Flutter, DhiWise lets you convert each to code, for a wholesome experience.


API Manager

Add responses by creating new APIs, or give the defined actions a shuffle by editing and even deleting APIs. You can even upload a pre-existing Postman API collection to speed up integrations.


Start with Pre-built Designs.

Customize them as you want. Choose from a library of over 100+ templates or 1000+ screens which you can customize with DhiWise’s Smart Editor.


Our templates have pre-built navigations, authentication, and much more


Code that Developers love

Developers and CTOs from more than 50 countries have loved using DhiWise.

Productivity and efficiency rolled into one single app

DhiWise is an API platform for building and using APIs. Postman simplifies each step of the API lifecycle and streamlines collaboration so you can create better APIs—faster.

Component identification

Support of 40 components to instantly convert designs into code without any manual tagging.

Responsive UI code

Get the pixel-perfect UI code of your design for all the mobile device resolutions.

Flutter 3.0 support

We always follow the latest version of Flutter to give you the optimum performance.

No Dependency hell

No dependency on DhiWise library; We provide the libraries which you love.

Code Quality

We follow clean code architecture with reusable component code

Real-time preview

Preview your complete app design right here to see your app’s generated design results

Plugins for everyone

Users already
installed plugin

Built for Everyone

Capture new markets, create a new application, increase the velocity of sprint and reduce designing handoff time to zero using DhiWise.



We eliminate repetitive programming so developers can focus on code that matters



We generate standard code every time so CTOs can plan to increase their team’s sprint velocity without additional resources


Product Manager

PMs do not need to wait for additional resources to run multiple experiments as we can reduce 10 days of efforts to 3 days.



We convert designs into an interactive app in just a few clicks so you do not need to wait till the developer finishes writing the code.