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Design Converter

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The Webflow alternative for React developers

Accelerate React development with DhiWise. Streamlined app-building platform for JS/TS devs. Faster, easier, and more efficient.


Connect your designs

Sync designs from the most popular design platforms, or choose from our wide range of beautifully designed templates to jumpstart your project.



Import your designs using Figma URL or use our Figma to code plugin.

How to importIcon

100+ Templates

Our templates have pre-built navigations, authentication, and much more.

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Develop your app

Empower your React JS/TS development with a Smart Editor and effortlessly manage components, navigation, data binding, and responsiveness in your applications.

Design responsively

Easily preview and adjust layouts for the wide array of viewports.

<div className="flex items-start justify-start sm:px-[20px] md:px-[40px] px-[75px] w-[100%]"> <div className="flex flex-col gap-[53px] items-center justify-start max-w-[1290px] mx-[auto] w-[100%]"> <div className="flex flex-col gap-[13px] items-center justify-start w-[100%]"> <Text className="font-bold font-raleway text-black_900 text-center tracking-[-0.50px] w-[auto]" as="h2" variant="h2" > Meet Our Team </Text> <Text className="font-normal font-rubik not-italic text-center text-gray_500 tracking-[-0.50px] w-[auto]" variant="body1" > We write various things related to furniture, from tips and what things I need to pay attention to when choosing furniture </Text> </div> <div className="flex items-start justify-start w-[100%]"> <Slider autoPlay autoPlayInterval={2000} activeIndex={sliderState} responsive={{ 0: { items: 1 }, 550: { items: 2 }, 1050: { items: 3 }, }} onSlideChanged={(e) => { setsliderState(e?.item); }} ref={sliderRef} className="gap-[20px] w-[100%]" items={[...Array(9)].map(() => ( <React.Fragment key={Math.random()}> <TeamCard className="flex flex-col items-start justify-start mx-[10px]" profilePic="images/img_rectangle1487_450x416.png" name="Make Jhane" designation="Finance Manager" /> </React.Fragment> ))} renderDotsItem={({ isActive }) => { if (isActive) { return ( <div className="inline-block cursor-pointer rounded-[50%] h-[15px] bg-bluegray_900 w-[15px]" /> ); } return ( <div className="inline-block cursor-pointer rounded-[50%] h-[15px] bg-gray_200 w-[15px]" role="button" tabIndex={0} /> ); }} /> </div> <PagerIndicator className="flex gap-[15px] h-[15px] items-start justify-start self-stretch w-[75px]" count={3} activeCss="inline-block cursor-pointer rounded-[50%] h-[15px] bg-bluegray_900 w-[15px]" activeIndex={sliderState} inactiveCss="inline-block cursor-pointer rounded-[50%] h-[15px] bg-gray_200 w-[15px]" sliderRef={sliderRef} selectedWrapperCss="inline-block" unselectedWrapperCss="inline-block" /> </div> </div>

Create reusable components

Turn nav bars, footers, signup forms, and more into components that you can reuse, maintain, create variations of, or modify on-the-fly across your whole website with as little as one click.

import React from "react"; export type ButtonProps = Omit< React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>, HTMLButtonElement>, "onClick" > & Partial<{ className: string; leftIcon: React.ReactNode; rightIcon: React.ReactNode; onClick: () => void; }>; const Button: React.FC<React.PropsWithChildren<ButtonProps>> = ({ children, className = "", leftIcon, rightIcon, ...restProps }) => { return ( <button className={className} {...restProps}> {!!leftIcon && leftIcon} {children} {!!rightIcon && rightIcon} </button> ); }; export { Button };

Data binding

Connect your apps to your data sources faster than ever using REST APIs

const [login, setLogin] = React.useState<PostLoginResponseType>(); const formValidationSchema = yup.object().shape({ username: yup .string() .required("Username is required") .matches( /^w+([.-]?w+)*@w+([.-]?w+)*(.w{2,3})+$/, "Username is not in correct format" ), password: yup .string() .required("Password is required") .matches( /^(?=.*?[A-Z])(?=.*?[a-z])(?=.*?[0-9])(?=.*?[#?!@$%^&*-._]).{8,}$/, "Password is not in correct format" ), }); const form = useForm( { username: "", password: "" }, { validate: true, validateSchema: formValidationSchema, validationOnChange: true, } ); const navigate = useNavigate(); function callApi(data: Partial<{ username: string; password: string }>) { const req = { data: { username: data?.username, password: data?.password }, }; postLogin(req) .then((res) => { setLogin(res?.data); toast.success("Success"); }) .catch((err) => { console.error(err); toast.error("Error!"); }); }

Live preview

Use our browser compiler to generate previews on the go

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Generate source code

We offer code generation with multiple customizable configurations, tailored to your preferred framework of choice for a truly personalized development experience

Get clean, reusable, modular, and developer-friendly code generated with zero dependencies and minimal code refactoring.


Experience the versatility of our React-based solution, which supports a wide range of frameworks such as TypeScript, JavaScript, Storybook, and even state management

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Own the code

Take the generated code home after building the application. Download the zip file or sync it to your IDE or Git repositories.


Sync your code with Git

How to SyncIcon

Deploy your code to Vercel

How to SyncIcon

Sync your code with VS Code plugin

How to SyncIcon

Download Zip folder

How to SyncIcon
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