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Last updated on Jul 29, 2024
Last updated on Sep 19, 2023
React is a popular open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces, particularly single-page applications where you need a fast, interactive user experience. One of the key features of React is JSX, a syntax extension for JavaScript.
JSX stands for JavaScript XML. It's a syntax extension for JavaScript, developed by the team at Facebook, which allows us to write HTML-like code inside our JavaScript code. This makes the structure of the component rendering in React more readable and writeable.
JSX is not a requirement for using React, but it's highly recommended because it simplifies the code and makes it more intuitive. With JSX, we can create React elements and components using a syntax that's similar to the HTML we're already familiar with.
JSX, or JavaScript XML, is a syntax extension for JavaScript. It allows us to write HTML-like code inside our JavaScript code, which makes it a valuable tool for creating user interfaces with React. The React team introduced JSX as a way to structure component rendering in a syntax familiar to many developers.
The basic syntax of JSX is similar to HTML. However, there are some key differences that we need to be aware of. For example, in JSX, we use className instead of class for specifying CSS classes, as class is a reserved keyword in JavaScript.
1 // JSX code 2 const App = () => { 3 return ( 4 <div className="App"> 5 <h1>Hello World</h1> 6 </div> 7 ); 8 }; 9
In the above code, we have a React component named App. Inside the JSX return statement, we have a div with a className of "App". Inside this div, we have an h1 element that renders the text "Hello World".
The ability to embed JavaScript expressions is one of JSX's strong points. Curly braces are used to enclose the expression in order to do this.
1 // JSX code with JavaScript expression 2 const App = () => { 3 const name = 'React'; 4 return ( 5 <div className="App"> 6 <h1>Hello {name}</h1> 7 </div> 8 ); 9 }; 10
In the above example, we have a variable name that holds the string 'React'. Inside our JSX code, we embed this variable inside the h1 tag using curly braces. When this component is rendered, it will display "Hello React".
It's important to note that these expressions are evaluated and inserted into the output during the render process. This means we can use any valid JavaScript expression inside the curly braces, including functions, ternary expressions, and more.
JSX expressions can also be used for attribute values. For example, we can dynamically set the className of an element based on a variable or function.
1 // JSX code with JavaScript expression in attribute 2 const App = () => { 3 const isActive = true; 4 return ( 5 <div className={`App ${isActive ? 'active' : ''}`}> 6 <h1>Hello React</h1> 7 </div> 8 ); 9 }; 10
In the above code, we use a ternary expression inside the className attribute to conditionally add the 'active' class based on the isActive variable.
While JSX may look like HTML at first glance, there are several key differences between the two that are important to understand when working with React.
In HTML, we use attributes to provide additional information about HTML elements. JSX also uses attributes, but there are some important differences.
Firstly, because JSX is closer to JavaScript than HTML, it uses camelCase property naming convention instead of HTML attribute names. For example, class becomes className, for becomes htmlFor, and tabindex becomes tabIndex.
1 // JSX code 2 const App = () => { 3 return ( 4 <div className="App"> 5 <label htmlFor="name">Name:</label> 6 <input id="name" tabIndex="0" /> 7 </div> 8 ); 9 }; 10
In the above JSX code, we use className instead of class, htmlFor instead of for, and tabIndex instead of tabindex.
Another key difference is how we assign values to attributes. In HTML, attribute values are always strings. However, in JSX, attribute values can be any valid JavaScript expression.
JSX tags are very similar to HTML tags, but there are some key differences.
In HTML, tags can be left open if they are self-closing. However, in JSX, all tags must be closed. If a tag doesn't have any children, it must be self-closed using a /
before the closing >
1 // JSX code 2 const App = () => { 3 return ( 4 <div className="App"> 5 <input type="text" /> 6 <br /> 7 </div> 8 ); 9 }; 10
In the above JSX code, both the input and br tags are self-closed.
Another difference is that JSX tags can represent HTML elements, but they can also represent user-defined React components. This allows us to compose complex UIs from smaller, reusable pieces.
1 // JSX code with a user-defined component 2 const Header = () => { 3 return ( 4 <h1 className="header">Hello React</h1> 5 ); 6 }; 7 8 const App = () => { 9 return ( 10 <div className="App"> 11 <Header /> 12 </div> 13 ); 14 }; 15
In the above JSX code, Header is a user-defined React component that is used inside the App component.
React is built around the concept of components. Components are reusable pieces of code that return a React element to be rendered to the DOM. This section'll delve into components and how to use props in JSX.
Components in React can be defined as JavaScript functions or classes. In modern React development, function components are more commonly used due to their simplicity and support for hooks.
A React component can be as simple as a function that returns a JSX element. Here's an example:
1 // Function component 2 const Welcome = () => { 3 return <h1>Hello, React!</h1>; 4 }; 5
In the above code, Welcome is a function component that returns a JSX element. We can use this component in other parts of our application just like we use HTML tags.
Components allow us to split the UI into independent, reusable pieces. Each component is responsible for rendering a part of the UI, and a complex UI can be broken down into smaller, easier-to-manage components.
Props (short for properties) are how components talk to each other. They are inputs to a React component and they are passed as attributes in JSX.
Props are read-only and a component should never modify its own props. They should always be passed down from the parent component.
Here's an example of using props in a React component:
1 // Function component with props 2 const Welcome = (props) => { 3 return <h1>Hello, {}!</h1>; 4 }; 5 6 // Using the Welcome component with a prop 7 const App = () => { 8 return <Welcome name="React" />; 9 }; 10
In the above code, Welcome is a function component that takes props as an argument. Inside the component, we use to access the name prop. In the App component, we use the Welcome component and pass a name prop to it.
In JSX, elements can have other elements as children, just like in HTML. This allows us to create complex structures with nested elements. In this section, we'll explore how to define and use JSX children, and how to use JavaScript expressions with children.
Children in JSX are defined between the opening and closing tags of an element. Here's an example:
1 // JSX with children 2 const App = () => { 3 return ( 4 <div className="App"> 5 <h1>Hello, React!</h1> 6 <p>Welcome to the world of React.</p> 7 </div> 8 ); 9 }; 10
In the above code, the div element has two children: an h1 element and a p element.
Just like with attributes, we can use JavaScript expressions as children in JSX. This is done by wrapping the expression in curly braces .
1 // JSX with a JavaScript expression as a child 2 const App = () => { 3 const name = 'React'; 4 return ( 5 <div className="App"> 6 <h1>Hello, {name}!</h1> 7 </div> 8 ); 9 }; 10
In the above code, we have a variable name that holds the string 'React'. Inside our JSX code, we embed this variable as a child of the h1 element using curly braces. When this component is rendered, it will display "Hello, React!".
In React, we often need to display different UIs for different conditions. This is known as conditional rendering. In this section, we'll explore how to use if statements, ternary expressions, and the logical && operator for conditional rendering in JSX.
In JSX, we can't use if statements directly inside the curly braces. However, we can use if statements inside the component function body or ternary expressions directly inside the curly braces.
Here's an example of using an if statement inside a component function:
1 // JSX with if statement 2 const Welcome = (props) => { 3 if ( { 4 return <h1>Welcome, {}!</h1>; 5 } else { 6 return <h1>Welcome, guest!</h1>; 7 } 8 }; 9
In the above code, we use an if statement to check if the name prop is true. If it is, we render a greeting with the name. If it's not, we render a greeting for a guest.
We can also use ternary expressions directly inside the curly braces for inline conditional rendering:
1 // JSX with ternary expression 2 const Welcome = (props) => { 3 return <h1>Welcome, { ? : 'guest'}!</h1>; 4 }; 5
In the above code, we use a ternary expression to check if the name prop is truthy. If it is, we render the name. If it's not, we render 'guest'.
Another method for conditional rendering in JSX is using the logical && operator. This is useful when we want to conditionally render an element based on a truthy value.
Here's an example:
1 // JSX with logical && operator 2 const Welcome = (props) => { 3 return ( 4 <div> 5 <h1>Welcome!</h1> 6 { && <h2>Hello, {}!</h2>} 7 </div> 8 ); 9 }; 10
Styling is a crucial part of any web application. In React, we can apply styles to JSX elements in two ways: inline styles and CSS classes. In this section, we'll explore both methods.
In JSX, we can define inline styles using a JavaScript object, where the properties are in camelCase. This object is then passed to the style attribute of the JSX element.
1 // JSX with inline styles 2 const App = () => { 3 const style = { 4 color: 'white', 5 backgroundColor: 'blue', 6 padding: '10px' 7 }; 8 9 return <div style={style}>Hello, React!</div>; 10 }; 11
In the above code, we define a style object with three properties: color, backgroundColor, and padding. We then pass this object to the style attribute of the div element.
In addition to inline styles, we can also use CSS classes to style our JSX elements. As mentioned earlier, we use the className attribute in JSX instead of the class attribute in HTML.
Here's an example:
1 // JSX with CSS class 2 const App = () => { 3 return <div className="App">Hello, React!</div>; 4 }; 5
In the above code, we use the className attribute to apply the "App" CSS class to the div element.
It's important to note that CSS classes in React work the same way as in regular HTML. The styles for the class should be defined in a separate CSS file and imported into the React component.
React JSX is a powerful tool that allows developers to write JavaScript code that looks like HTML. It simplifies the process of creating complex UIs by allowing developers to structure their component rendering in a way that's easy to understand and write.
By understanding JSX in depth, the differences between JSX and HTML, how to use components and props, how to define and use children, how to perform conditional rendering, and how to apply styles in JSX, developers can create efficient and maintainable React applications.
Moreover, by following the best practices for using JSX in React, such as keeping JSX expressions short and readable, always closing tags, and using parentheses to avoid the pitfalls of automatic semicolon insertion, developers can write clean, efficient, and bug-free JSX code.
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