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QA Flow to find the questions and answers of individuals from Stack Overflow.


Saved hours


Individuals may utilize StackOverflow usernames to search for specific users on QA Flow, and the platform displays all of the questions and answers that users have submitted.

The platform will collect all the questions and answers the individual has posted after the user enters the person's Stack Overflow username.

This application is built using the open APIs of Stack Exchange and DhiWise. It took 6 hours to make this application in DhiWise.


The Challenge

The most popular site for questions and answers is Stack Overflow. Users can find answers to their questions or help others out.

If a user on Stack Overflow has given good answers or has a high reputation on Stack Overflow, the concern is, what if the user wants to find all of that person's questions and answers?In such a situation, the user must go to Stack Overflow, then to the user's tab, then to the search tab, and then to the user's profile. The user must then locate the Questions and Answers from his profile.When the user wishes to discover another person, he has to go back to the beginning.

The Solution

To solve this gap, QA Flow was created. Stack Overflow's open APIs were used to build QA Flow in 6 hours. By using this platform, users may quickly find anybody on Stack Overflow.

Essentials to build this application:

Only three things are necessary to construct this fully functional application.

  1. Figma for the application.
  2. APIs of the Stack Exchange.
  3. To save time and effort, DhiWise.


How to build this application using minimal time and effort:

DhiWise is a programming platform where developers can convert their designs into developer-friendly code for mobile and web apps. DhiWise automates the application development lifecycle and instantly generates readable, modular, and reusable code.

Built with DhiWise:

Application is built in DhiWise by following the steps

  • Entered Figma design in DhiWise.
  • Added all the navigations to the application
  • Integrated Modal into the application.
  • Added all the APIs of Stack Exchange into the API manager and integrated the APIs with the view component.
  • Build the application in DhiWise.
  • Committed the code on GitHub and Deployed the code on Vercel.

Advantages of using DhiWise:

Entering the design is the initial step in starting any project using DhiWise, and DhiWise will then produce the whole UI code. For example, the application's entire UI was developed with this "Design to code" function.


Click the preview button to preview the UI created by DhiWise after adding the Figma.


After retrieving the screens, the next stage was to implement screen navigation using the Navigation feature of DhiWise.

Some components in Figma were not built according to the Figma guideline of DhiWise, so it might be possible that the DhiWise will misidentify the components. In that case, the Change Component feature helped to change it to a different view type.

Change component

Using DhiWise, the APIs were integrated into the component's onClick property. In addition, DhiWise has a feature of binding the API request and response with the UI view component. Using this feature, all the responses of API were tied with the view.


Users can also integrate an API on the onSuccess and onError methods of the API. This feature helped to integrate another API on the onSuccess method of the previous API.Additionally, specific APIs have had alert messages added to their onError and onSuccess methods so that users may see if the APIs have successfully called or not.


Finally, press the Build button to generate the code and build the application.


Bonus: DhiWise Add-on

After generating the code, developers can easily sync their application code to Visual Studio Code using the DhiWise VS Code extension and start customizing the app code within seconds.

DhiWise generated code:

The first thing each developer sees after installing the application is a readme file, which helps them comprehend the project.

  • README file generated by DhiWise has all the details about the project like setup guide, folder structure, files guide, System Requirements, and so much more.
  • DhiWise implements TailwindCSS, which is simple to implement and improves the application's responsiveness.
  • All of the files were classified and saved accordingly. The pages, style files, assets, and components were organized into distinct directories based on their intended function. Finding and reusing components in the application is helpful to a reactjs developer.