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Build an Order Management Portal with DhiWise in a Day!


Saved hours


Saved money


In this dynamic world, continuous evolution and innovations are vital to staying ahead of the competition. Therefore, maximum efforts and resources are invested, resulting in the appraisal of the cost factor. Thus, at this time, it becomes incredibly fundamental to understand, develop, stabilize and innovate.

This century is all about brilliant work over hard work. So, imagine; is it even possible to build something basic to manage orders in less than 5 hours?

The answer is Yes, and the reason is SquareAPIs and DhiWise! So the how of this wow is all that’s lined up next.

The Challenge

“Time is money”; is true when it comes to development. So let’s take a look at the inner space of action.

  • Developing, testing, and deploying APIs
  • Developing the application in React
  • Developing an eye-catching UI
  • Managing actions that can be performed from the dashboard
  • Manage to sort

Managing all the aspects mentioned above and developing an application daily is difficult.

The Solution


Square provides collections of APIs that work together to solve various business problems. Developers can build solutions using the Square platform to meet the business needs of Square sellers. In addition, it’s a developer platform that has tools to support App Marketplace.

Developer-friendly, easily customizable, and consumable APIs fostered the development.


DhiWise is a programming platform where developers can convert their designs into developer-friendly code for mobile and web apps. DhiWise automates the application development lifecycle and instantly generates readable, modular, and reusable code.

Moreover, the code that DhiWise generates; is clean and well structured, making it hassle-free to modify and customize. It’s well said;

“What you see in front of you was once seen in the back of someone’s mind.”

It’s about; one getting an idea imaging, starting development, and the rest is on DhiWise. So what’s more exciting than this?

DhiWise supports enormous features reaming from navigation, back navigation, authentication, API integration, and Vercel deployment to managing the code on one’s GitHub.

With DhiWise, the development of the Order Management Portal can be achieved in a day.

G_et an accurate design. Follow the_ Figma Design Guidelines defined by DhiWise.

The Development Journey:

The application development includes various stages resulting in coercing days, months, and sometimes years. And, of course, that varies from one application to the other depending on the diversified parameters.

Let’s have a glance at the development ratio :


A brief description is always a good idea to not beat around the bush. So let’s quickly have the spotlight on how this application was built.


Features offered by DhiWise:**](https://docs.dhiwise.com/docs/react/intro)

1. Importing design

  • DhiWise supports importing design from platforms like Figma, Sketch, and Adobe XD.
  • One doesn’t have to worry if they run out of designs because DhiWise has a wide range of templates and a library of screens to get started with.

2. For Component Identification, redefined sets of design guidelines must be followed to expect the platform to detect precisely

  • DhiWise has a predefined set of design guidelines to be followed to expect the platform for precise detection
  • Once a new application is created, DhiWise gives you the list of lists you with all the detected components and navigations

3. Quick Navigation setup

  • DhiWise has navigation on the plate that can be set up with a few simple clicks to budge from one page to another
  • For setting up back navigation, page, page-section navigation, or URL navigation, DhiWise withstands your clicks

4. Authentication

  • Authentication is a crucial feature of every application. So, considering that, DhiWise supports Google Authentication with no more than three clicks.

5. API Integration

  • Real-time and updated information is what we all need at our tips and sight. And hence, DhiWise offers this feature.
  • API Integrations are supported on the click event and the “ready” lifecycle.
  • DhiWise does this in a few minutes against many hours that could wave your development time away.

6. Building the Application

  • Once all the integrations are made, DhiWise will generate production-ready code for you.

Features that are the cherry on the cake :

1. Renaming

DhiWise enables the developers to rename the application created with DhiWise and renames the pages.

2. Storybook

Keeping up with the latest tech trends, DhiWise has the support for building an application with Storybook.

This feature helps customize components, test, and scale the application UI. Once the customization is done, you can simply generate the code for any custom component with any state defined by you.

3. GitHub Integration

One of the most trusted platforms for developers to push their code is GitHub, and DhiWise allows you to keep up with the same by providing GitHub Integration

4. Vercel Deployment

Confidence matters, so DhiWise here has Vercel deployment to let you see how your application would look

5. Straightforward application download

DhiWise allows you to directly download the .zip file of the generated source code, unlike other applications asking for subscriptions and payments

6. Preserves what you do

All your applications created with DhiWise are preserved there. So, in the long run, if one ever wishes to add or modify an integration and rebuild the application, that’s truly possible.

7. Sync design from Figma

Once the application is created by importing Figma, and even if there’s any slightest change in Figma, here you go with this feature of DhiWise.

8. Modify Home Screen

The default Home Screen that DhiWise sets can be updated with the one you wish to set.

Every exit is an entry somewhere else.

Enter into the era of wise development with DhiWise. So enjoy the perks and save your resources to invest in something bigger, better, and bolder.