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A feedback management system using Salesforce, Canny and DhiWise.


Saved hours


Saved money


How good is your product? Is it serving the customers in the desired manner? What about the bothersome bugs, if any? Well, companies spend hours’ worth of time to get answers to the questions mentioned above! And they feed the answers into the operational system to tweak the product, accordingly.

But they can always do better. And that is with proper “Feedback Management.”

What exactly is the feedback management system?

Feedback is information or comments about something you have done, which tells you how good or bad it is. Feedback is an event that occurs when a system's output is used as input, fed back into the system as part of a cause-and-effect chain.

The feedback system here (as part of the app that we built) combines two platforms:

  1. Canny
  2. Salesforce

What does this app do?

The app's main purpose was to link Canny to the Salesforce app. Many organizations use Salesforce. The primary purpose of this app was to reduce the time it takes to manage Feedback with Salesforce.

Canny and Salesforce?

A weird combination. Not really. The combination helped the app. The goal was to add feedback to the Salesforce app.


Most of us know what Salesforce is and why it is so popular. Salesforce is a CRM platform. It helps marketing, sales, commerce, service, and IT teams work as one from anywhere — so you can keep your customers happy, regardless of the demographics.


Canny is used to collect, organize, and analyze product feedback in one place for better product decisions.

So, to complete the Feedback Management System, Salesforce and Canny play an essential role.


The Challenge

  1. User-friendly UI;
  2. Navigational Ease;
  3. Error-Free code;
  4. Easy API Integrations;
  5. Combine two platform APIs in a single system.

The Solution

DhiWise: The first question is, why DhiWise? Is it conceivable?

DhiWise is a programming platform where developers can convert their designs into developer-friendly code for mobile and web apps. DhiWise automates the application development lifecycle and instantly generates readable, modular, and reusable code.

Application Tech Stack:

  1. Flutter
  2. Salesforce APIs
  3. Canny APIs

What did this App require?

  • Design
  • API Integration
  • App Navigation

If you are making the app manually, it would have taken at least 7-8 days. But with DhiWise, it was done in a few hours only.

As you can see, the entire application was built in less than two hours using DhiWise.


1 . Figma to Code

Figma with proper standards provides 90-95% accuracy with DhiWise. You could save a lot of time using the “change widgets” and “add action” features. With these features, the developers could modify inaccurate designs with minimal effort.

For this app,  Figma had four screens(), and DhiWise generated code for the same in less than 1 minute.

2. App Navigation

The majority of apps have multiple screens that are linked together by some action or lifecycle method. DhiWise provides three-click navigation. Navigation (s) in this app was set in 1 minute using DhiWise's Navigation Feature.

3. API Integration

Salesforce and Canny APIs were required here to store and fetch data.

Canny's APIs were required for data storage and retrieval, as were Salesforce APIs.


Finally, the entire feedback app was ready in less than two hours. Also, this app reduced the manual efforts of handling two platforms simultaneously. And finally, the Generated code is error-free and supports industry standards.