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Power up your ClickUp skills with this React web app built with DhiWise


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Keeping track of the goals throughout time is crucial in any goal-driven company. Most organizations use multiple measurement techniques, such as OKRs, KPIs, MBOs, and metrics, to measure their goals, their employees' goals and alignment, and their employees' performance.

In software development, it is advised to follow agile methodology. ClickUp makes it straightforward to manage sprints and marathons along with epics and user stories with its task-management system.

ClickUp has launched Goal tracking with its task-management system, measuring success based on key results to achieve targets.

ClickUp provides robust and organized REST APIs to build applications, based on the data available in ClickUp.

The Challenge

ClickUp APIs are open and easy to integrate. The problem with ClickUp is the lack of tracking the goals of different teams of organizations with different targets monthly, quarterly and yearly.

The goals were already defined in ClickUp. It was required to add the same tasks with improved targets to the same goal every month to create metrics.

The Solution

It was necessary to record the metrics, and their sub-categories with monthly targets to link them to the goals and tasks provided by ClickUp. So for storing and retrieving the necessary information, Supabase was chosen.

Supabase is an open-source Firebase alternative. It stores data in the Postgres database and provides RESTful CRUD APIs to access them.

With DhiWise’s React web app builder and the integration of ClickUp and Supabase APIs, the objective was achieved in a single day.

The Application’s ReactJS front-end was built using DhiWise’s React Builder.

The Obsolete process of building a Web App

  1. Design an Application using tools like Figma or AbodeXD or Sketch.
  2. Converting that design into code.
  3. Bind data to make the application interactive
  4. Take care of Validations and Security
  5. Complex Logic Building

Given the situation's complexity, it may take up to 5 days to construct this application, with a developer having intermediate skills.

How it was Built using DhiWise

  1. As a part of design development, an attractive Figma was designed using DhiWise Figma Guidelines to achieve maximum accuracy in Figma to Code.
  2. With the Preview Feature of DhiWise, the accuracy of the pages was checked along with the responsiveness of the pages.
  3. After the design was imported to DhiWise, APIs of Supabase and ClickUp were integrated with a few clicks on the Dashboard and Form pages, also DhiWise provides validations to be applied while sending request body in APIs.
  4. On the pages, Navigation to internal pages and external links were added quickly.
  5. After downloading the source code, as DhiWise had already identified the modal, opening the modal on click and closing it, it was easy to add the logic to the modal processing.
  6. And the application was ready to go live.

DhiWise made it possible to get the application ready in just a day saving 30 development hours.

In a Nutshell

DhiWise can be a helping hand in rapid application development, especially when it comes to building demanding apps with existing APIs for internal usage and making the app go live in a few days, which is still a dream for many corporate and startup entities.