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Last updated on Aug 20, 2024
Last updated on Oct 18, 2023
In the tempestuous flow of app development, combining the power of Flutter and Retrofit can greatly enhance your efficacy. Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit, while Retrofit, a type-safe HTTP client, aids in networking requests while using REST APIs. Integrating Retrofit in Flutter, thus, aids in reducing overhead. This is the first glimpse into the scope of our tutorial that caters to 'Flutter Retrofit'.
Before diving into the Retrofit implementation, ensure you're equipped with some fundamental knowledge and tools:
To kickstart, you need to add the Retrofit dependency to your Flutter project. Open the pubspec.yaml file in your project and add the following lines under dependencies:
1 dependencies: 2 retrofit: ^4.0.3 3 json_annotation: ^4.8.1
Execute flutter pub get in your terminal to fetch the necessary packages for Retrofit Flutter implementation.
Setting up Retrofit in your Flutter project involves a few simple steps. Start with creating a new file for your APIs, usually referred to as restclient. This restclient will be an abstract Dart class.
1abstract class RestClient { 2 factory RestClient(Dio dio, {String baseUrl}) = _RestClient; 3}
In the above code, we've declared an abstract class RestClient. This class receives a Dio client and an optional baseUrl string. _RestClient is a replacement block and will be generated by the Dio client generator later.
A unique feature of Retrofit is that it converts your HTTP API into Dart interfaces. In this context, to elucidate a Retrofit example, let's consider a very simple REST API and represent its endpoints as methods in our RestClient.
Configure your Retrofit instance within your RestClient by taking advantage of HTTP annotations. For example, @GET or @POST are HTTP methods annotations for GET and POST requests respectively.
1@GET("/posts/{id}") 2Future<Post> getPost(@Path("id") String postId);
In the above code, the @GET HTTP annotation corresponds to a GET request route and the {id}
is exchanged dynamically with the postId argument of the getPost method using the @Path annotation.
The essence of any Retrofit library lies in its ability to handle API calls seamlessly. Let's create a Retrofit example with a typical API call while using the RestClient. Generate Retrofit's boilerplate code by running flutter pub run build_runner build in your terminal. This will create a new .g.dart file in the same directory. Write the following in your main function:
1void main() async { 2 final dio = Dio(); // Provide a dio instance 3 dio.options = BaseOptions( 4 receiveTimeout: 5000, 5 connectTimeout: 5000, 6 baseUrl: '', //api base url 7 ); 8 final client = RestClient(dio); 9 Post response; 10 try { 11 response = await client.getPost('1'); 12 } on DioError catch (e) { 13 print(e.message); // Handle error 14 throw e; 15 } 16 print(response); // Do something with the response 17}
In this Retrofit example, for the Dio client, we have provided a Retrofit instance and set a timeout limit and a string baseUrl. We then provide this Dio client to the RestClient while creating a final client. This code makes a GET API call and fetches a Post with id == 1.
Working with Retrofit, you'll find it offers a broad range of additional capabilities outside simple API calls. These include using Query parameters, Path parameters, Form data, and an in-built mechanism to handle errors.
To define Query parameters, Retrofit uses @Query annotation. Here's an example demonstrating the usage of @Query annotation in a GET request.
1@GET('/api') 2Future<List<ModelClass>> getModelClasses(@Query('limit') int limit);
In the Retrofit implementation above, ModelClass could be any Dart class that maps to your JSON data. The limit is appended to the URL as a query parameter.
Like all tools, Retrofit in Flutter can surface a few issues. Here, we address a common one pertaining to 'Running "flutter pub get" in my_project... Could not resolve dio'.
This generally happens when Flutter isn't able to find the correct Dio dependency for Retrofit. A quick fix for this is to try explicitly adding the Dio dependency along with its version to your pubspec.yaml, like so:
1dependencies: 2 dio: ^3.0.0
Next, run flutter pub get in your terminal and it should fetch the Dio package for Retrofit Flutter integration.
Combining the power of Flutter and Retrofit can greatly streamline your app development process. Using Retrofit in a Flutter project reduces overhead and simplifies tasks like data classes or model class creation, JSON serialization, request body definition, and using different HTTP methods.
Remember, the key to successful Retrofit implementation lies in understanding your APIs, defining your model classes carefully, and utilizing Dio Client Generator aptly while keeping in mind that the same string is used for the same purpose throughout your Flutter project.
The potential of Flutter Retrofit lies in making network requests easier, less verbose, and leading towards more maintainable code for REST APIs. As you explore Retrofit, you'll discover more of its features that make it an excellent choice for Flutter developers.
So there you have it! I hope you found this guide useful for your Flutter journey. Happy learning!
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