Design Converter
Last updated on Nov 30, 2023
•11 mins read
Last updated on Nov 16, 2023
•11 mins read
Working with image-based applications can be challenging in Flutter, particularly when managing your app's performance. The size of images is a vital factor that can significantly impact your application's speed, efficiency, and storage utilization. This is where image compression enters the picture, and it's crucial to reduce an image's file size without significantly diminishing the image quality.
One efficient way we can accomplish this in Flutter is by using flutter_image_compress, a popular package explicitly designed for this purpose. This package allows developers to effectively reduce the size of images, resulting in better-functioning Flutter applications.
In this blog post, we will explore the workings and implementation of the flutter_image_compress package. We'll navigate through image compression, installation, and usage of the package, judging the quality of compressed images, troubleshooting, and more. So buckle up, and let's start this fascinating journey, making your Flutter projects more efficient and productive!
Remember, we're here together in this! If you feel stuck or confused, revisit the section for clarity. We have sprinkled code snippets throughout the blog to clarify your understanding.
Before we delve into the depths of flutter_image_compress, let's take a moment to understand why we need to compress images in the first place.
High image quality is essential for a visually appealing application. However, high-quality images usually come with larger file sizes, which can be problematic for mobile apps. Larger file sizes result in longer loading times, use more memory, and can quickly drain users' data plans, leading to their dissatisfaction.
This is where image compression becomes incredibly crucial in Flutter applications. Image compression helps to reduce file size by reducing the file's data amount, enabling the app to maintain its original image quality as much as possible. This means your app can upload and download images faster, providing a smoother user experience.
Remember that the smaller the image size, the faster the image uploads, resulting in quicker data retrieval from the backend. Your users will thank you for the faster image uploads and quicker loading times!
Apart from enhancing user experience, a lesser-known advantage of image compression involves reducing the storage space consumed on the device. Compressed images save storage space, leaving more room for the user's device.
With library support like flutter_image_compress, image compression becomes incredibly easy in our Flutter projects. It allows us to compress our images and gives us the power to resize them before uploading and even obtain the image file size.
The flutter_image_compress package is a powerful tool that allows us to compress images in Flutter apps. The library facilitates the compression of images efficiently on native platforms (Kotlin for Android and Objective-C for iOS), guaranteeing optimal performance in both Android and iOS apps.
One crucial question is, "Why can't we use existing Dart libraries for image compression?" While Dart supports some image compression libraries, their performance is sub-optimal for unknown reasons. Even isolates don't seem to alleviate the problem, hence the preference for a native implementation provided by flutter_image_compress.
Utilizing the flutter_image_compress package in your project requires you first to import the package. Here is how you can do it:
1import 'package:flutter_image_compress/flutter_image_compress.dart';
Once imported, you can easily leverage the methods provided by the library. We will delve deeper into the usage of this package in later sections.
Incorporating the flutter_image_compress package into your Flutter project is a simple process. First, you need to define it in your pubspec.yaml file under the dependencies section. Always ensure to check for the latest version.
1dependencies: 2 flutter_image_compress: ^<latest_version>
After entering this line and saving your pubspec.yaml file, you need to install the package via the terminal by running the command:
1flutter pub get
Once the package is fetched and installed, it can be imported into your Dart file.
1import 'package:flutter_image_compress/flutter_image_compress.dart';
Congratulations, you've successfully added the flutter_image_compress package to your project! Now let's get our hands dirty and look at how we'll use it for image compression.
With the flutter_image_compress package incorporated and ready in our Flutter project, it's time to leverage it for image compression.
To compress an image, flutter_image_compress provides several methods. Here's a basic implementation:
1Future<Uint8List> compressFile(File file) async { 2 var result = await FlutterImageCompress.compressWithFile( 3 file.absolute.path, 4 minWidth: 2300, 5 minHeight: 1500, 6 quality: 94, 7 rotate: 90, 8 ); 9 print(file.lengthSync()); 10 print(result.length); 11 return result; 12}
1Future<File> compressAndGetFile(File file, String targetPath) async { 2 var result = await FlutterImageCompress.compressAndGetFile( 3 file.absolute.path, targetPath, 4 quality: 88, 5 rotate: 180, 6 ); 7 8 print(file.lengthSync()); 9 print(result.lengthSync()); 10 11 return result; 12}
1Future<Uint8List> compressAsset(String assetName) async { 2 var list = await FlutterImageCompress.compressAssetImage( 3 assetName, 4 minHeight: 1920, 5 minWidth: 1080, 6 quality: 96, 7 rotate: 180, 8 ); 9 10 return list; 11}
1Future<Uint8List> compressList(Uint8List list) async { 2 var result = await FlutterImageCompress.compressWithList( 3 list, 4 minHeight: 1920, 5 minWidth: 1080, 6 quality: 96, 7 rotate: 135, 8 ); 9 print(list.length); 10 print(result.length); 11 return result; 12}
The compressWithFile, compressAndGetFile, compressAssetImage, and compressWithList methods handle various compression needs. Whether you need a File or Uint8List, these methods have you covered.
(Note: Always call .lengthSync() on your original and compressed File to see the difference in size before and after compression.)
The flutter_image_compress package allows you to customize your compression process with various parameters. In this section, we'll learn about each parameter and its use in the compression process. Let's examine the most commonly used parameters:
Knowing these parameters, you can compress your images according to custom requirements.
In image-heavy applications, you may need to allow users to upload images. However, due to their considerable size, high-resolution images can significantly slow down a Flutter application's performance. Therefore, resizing an image before uploading becomes something of great value.
With flutter_image_compress, we have a feature to resize an image while maintaining the aspect ratio, significantly reducing the image size. Here's how you can accomplish this:
1Future<File> resizeImageBeforeUpload(File file, String targetPath) async { 2 var result = await FlutterImageCompress.compressAndGetFile( 3 file.absolute.path, 4 targetPath, 5 minWidth: 1080, 6 minHeight: 720, 7 quality: 88, 8 rotate: 180, 9 ); 10 print(file.lengthSync()); 11 print(result.lengthSync()); 12 return result; 13}
In the above code, we use the compressAndGetFile function to set the minWidth and minHeight parameters to the desired maximum resolution (1080*720). Remember, these parameters don't stretch your image if it's of smaller resolution than provided; they only downscale high-resolution images.
By using this method, we're not just resizing our image but also compressing it while retaining as much image quality as possible. This function enhances not just the upload times but also the image loading times in your app.
Have you ever wondered how to get an image's file size in Flutter? Ostensibly simple, but necessary for image compression operations. Being aware of the image size can play a critical role in deciding the compression scale, thus retaining the optimal balance between size and quality. We can determine a file's size in Flutter by using the lengthSync() function.
Here is an example:
1Future<int> getImageFileSize(File file) async { 2 int fileSize = file.lengthSync(); 3 print("File Size is: $fileSize"); 4 return fileSize; 5}
In the above code, we get the file size (in bytes) using lengthSync(). We can further convert this byte value into KB, MB, or GB per our requirements.
Knowing the image file size is a stepping stone towards intelligent image compression, which can dynamically compress images based on their original file size.
While image compression plays a vital role in enhancing app performance, it's also crucial to consider the impact of compression on the quality of images. Most compression algorithms work by sacrificing some amount of image quality to reduce file size. Yet, with flutter_image_compress, you can maintain a fair balance between the two.
When compressing images, you must consider the image quality necessary for your application. For instance, a portfolio app for a photographer might need high-quality images, thus requiring a lower level of compression. On the other hand, a social media app where users upload numerous pictures may afford to compromise a bit on image quality to improve app speed and storage efficiency.
The code snippet below demonstrates how to compare image quality before and after compression:
1Future<void> compareImageQuality(File file, String targetPath) async { 2 var originalSize = await getImageFileSize(file); 3 4 var compressedFile = await compressAndGetFile(file, targetPath); 5 var compressedSize = await getImageFileSize(compressedFile); 6 7 print("Original Image Size: $originalSize bytes"); 8 print("Compressed Image Size: $compressedSize bytes"); 9}
In the above method, getImageFileSize is a function that takes a file as an argument and returns the size of the file. After comparison, you will usually observe that the size of the compressed image is significantly smaller than the original image size, all while retaining a decent image quality.
As with any software library, you might encounter challenges while working with the flutter_image_compress package. However, don't worry. There are solutions and workarounds to these problems! Here are some troubleshooting tips to rectify the most common issues:
1Future<Uint8List> compressAndTryCatch(String path) async { 2 Uint8List result; 3 try { 4 result = await FlutterImageCompress.compressWithFile( 5 path, 6 format: CompressFormat.heic, 7 ); 8 } on UnsupportedError catch (e) { 9 print(e); 10 result = await FlutterImageCompress.compressWithFile( 11 path, 12 format: CompressFormat.jpeg, 13 ); 14 } 15 return result; 16} 17
Remember, a knowledgeable developer knows how to code and solves problems that pop up along the way!
In conclusion, handling images efficiently in mobile applications is key to delivering smooth user experiences. The flutter_image_compress package is an incredibly easy and flexible tool in your Flutter toolset to handle image compression and resizing. Not only does it help optimize the image sizes and ensure images load faster and storage consumption is considerably reduced, leading to a performance-optimized app.
While there's no 'one size fits all' solution for image compression, and every app will have different needs, the flutter_image_compress package has enough flexibility to cater to a vast array of requirements. We hope this post helps you efficiently manage your images in Flutter, leading to delighted end-users. and high-performing apps.
Happy Fluttering!
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