Design Converter
Last updated on May 17, 2024
•15 mins read
Last updated on May 17, 2024
•15 mins read
Programming languages employ naming conventions for identifiers to maintain uniformity.
Let's take Swift as the language of our discussion.
Swift naming conventions adhere to industry standards to provide a more structured, readable, and maintainable codebase.
When you talk specifically about Swift, the Swift API design guidelines serve as a rulebook for writing clean and idiomatic swift code. The primary keyword in Swift conventions is to "Clarity at the point of use". This entails structuring your codebase in such a way that they convey salient information about what the function does at the call site itself.
So essentially, Swift naming conventions are more than just using camel casing for variables or classes (class MyClass), it's about writing code that easily reflects its functionality and evoke the correct meaning.
1func addObserver(name: NSNotification.Name, object: Any?, queue: OperationQueue?, using block: (Notification) -> Void) -> NSObjectProtocol 2 3incrementIndexOf(array: anArray)
The code snippets above are examples of how to name a function effectively in Swift.
Following Swift naming conventions might seem a bit verbose at the beginning, but they are designed for a purpose. Following conventional wisdom in Swift allows code to be more readable and understandable, which makes the maintenance process more straightforward. Whether you're dealing with function names, class names, or protocol names, utilizing consistent naming patterns can improve code quality.
Moreover, by maintaining the standard naming conventions, we can easily avoid ambiguity and grasp the nature of the function arguments, default values, the return type, etc., at the call site, without diving deeper into the implementation details. The function's name fully conveys the intent of the associated behavior.
Another compelling reason is how well Swift naming conventions marry with Swift API guidelines, enhancing their compatibility with Cocoa and Objective-C APIs if you are developing macOS or iOS application. By adhering to Swift API design guidelines and Swift naming conventions, elements like func addObserver inherently become more distinguished, specialized, and communicative.
So, adhering to Swift naming conventions presents a comprehensive view of the function at the call site, reduces cognitive load by promoting code readability, bridging any communication gap between the coder and the reader, and finally, enhancing system interoperability with older APIs.
1let color = UIColor(red: 0.5, green: 0, blue: 0.5, alpha: 1) // This is more useful at the call site.
In the example above, we see an excellent example of how Swift naming conventions, particularly argument labels, emphasize clarity and fluency at the call site.
In order to fully grasp Swift naming conventions, it's vital to understand the Swift API guidelines that shape them. Swift API design guidelines provides a set of rules and directions for creating intuitive, well-structured APIs, taking Swift naming conventions into the picture. They are formulated on four core themes: Clarity, Convention, Consistency, and Briefness.
Swift API guidelines advocate clarity at the call site. It encourages to choose function names and nouns describing variables or constants that fully convey intent and avoid unnecessary complexity. Let's look at an example:
1let bodyMassIndex: Double = weightKg / (heightM * heightM)
The Swift API guidelines suggest defining a function's argument forms and using argument labels that reflect its purpose. The guideline implies that argument labels should be verbs if they form part of a grammatical phrase, creating fluent usage when the function is called. For instance:
1func addSubview(_ view: UIView)
The Swift API guidelines lean towards grammatical English phrases when it comes to naming conventions. For instance, we prefer the noun is adjective, noun has adjective, or noun can verb forms over the reverse forms (adjective noun) or (verb noun).
Swift API guidelines also put a cap on needless words while defining function names. If the function's name can reflect the behavior without the argument label, drop the argument. The func addObserver example affirms this:
1func addObserver(_: Any, for keyPath: String)
Here, we've dropped the name as it does not add significant meaning beyond what has already been implied by the function name.
Specifically, Swift API Design Guidelines are developed by Apple, which set the standard to write clean and concise Swift code. The main aim of these guidelines is to improve the consistency and legibility of Swift codebases across the globe.
The following are the guiding principles of the Swift API Design Guidelines:
Clarity: Clarity tops everything else. Clarity must be favored over all else. Function names, argument labels, class names should be clear and straightforward.
Consistency: Be consistent with the pervading naming rules of Swift.
Avoid Ambiguity: Avoid using ambiguous words. Function names should not be too general but descriptive enough to convey its primary function. They shouldn't be a direct object of a verb.
Grammatical Rules: Swift function naming has to follow grammatical English phrases.
An example to illustrate this:
1func move(to position: Point)
1var string: String? { get } // Has a getter only 2class MyClass // Class Name
For example:
1func computeSum(of input: [Int]) -> Int
1func clickButton(at point: Point =
1let number = numbers.sorted { $0 > $1 }
These API design guidelines drive the overall Swift naming conventions, making the Swift code more fluent and idiomatic. They improve code readability and allow the programmer to understand their own and others' code easily. Thus, adhering to Swift API design guidelines will lead to better, more accurate, and easier-to-maintain Swift code.
Moving on to a more specific facet of swift naming conventions – swift protocol naming conventions, the rules here follow the same core principles of clarity and conciseness. For anyone coming from an object-oriented background, the protocol name may at first sound akin to interfaces, but protocols in Swift are much more powerful and flexible.
In simple terms, swift protocol naming conventions emphasize protocols that describe what something is should read as nouns, like Collection, WidgetFactory, etc. Protocols that describe a capability should be named using suffixes such as -able, -ible, or -ing, like Equatable, ProgressReporting. Lastly, when the protocol's function adheres to a single abstraction, it's preferable to name it in a way that provides strong connotations of that function.
1protocol NetworkRouter // Describes what something is (a network router) 2protocol Cooking // Describes a ability or action
For a protocol name comprising of associated types, where the protocol PLACES requirements on the associated types, naming could either include a shared base name, or act as an adjective modifying the associated type;
1protocol Sequence { 2 associatedtype Element 3}
However, in a case where the associated types have strong type constraints, the protocol can be defined with a standalone name. The point is to avoid confusion between the protocol and the associated type.
1protocol IntegerArithmetic { 2 static func +(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self 3}
A noteworthy point is that using prefix is with swift protocol naming conventions is rarely advisable since swift protocol names tend to be nouns or adjectives instead of verbs. While the Swift API guidelines do permit it, it's less idiomatic and harder to read with type inference.
Continuing our discussion on Swift protocol naming conventions, let's dive deeper into the subject.
Generally, in Swift, the name of a protocol should be a clear summary of its intent. Protocols that describe "what something is" should be named using nouns because they're describing things. Collection, StringProtocol, IntegerArithmetic are good examples of this.
A variable's type will often be declared as a protocol, for instance:
1var birds: [Flyable]
In the above example, Flyable doesn't describe what the birds variable is but represents a capability. Thus, suffixes like -able, -ible, or -ing can be added to protocol names.
Protocol names such as Renderable, Decodable, or Collecting are perfect examples of this. When creating a protocol that defines methods describing a type's functionality, it's recommended to include the type's fundamental behavior in the protocol name.
Consider the following example:
1protocol Incrementable { 2 mutating func increment() 3} 4class Counter: Incrementable { 5 var count = 0 6 func increment() { 7 count += 1 8 } 9}
Here the Incrementable protocol declares an incrementation function that can be implemented by any type. This leads to the formation of a clear contract described by the protocol name.
However, exceptions may arise. In the case of protocols with associated types, if an associated type has constraints in the protocol, the protocol should bear a standalone name.
1protocol WeightCalculatable { 2 associatedtype WeightType 3 var totalWeight: WeightType { get } 4}
In conclusion, devising an optimally named protocol revolves around intelligently thinking about its function and the participating entities. Hence, the swift protocol naming convention should be observed with seriousness, as it strongly influences code readability.
Swift function naming plays a crucial role in making the Swift code clean, understandable, and maintainable. Swift's nomenclature with respect to function names adheres to a pattern similar to how we construct grammatical English phrases. The function name with its argument labels form a sort of sentence where the function name serves as the first part of the sentence and the argument labels complete the rest.
Following examples will demonstrate how swift function naming works:
1func index(of character: Character) -> Int // Returns an integer
This is an instance of precise naming. The function name index followed by the direct object of character completes the phrase. Here, Swift's aim to be as near to plain spoken English as possible is seen.
1func addObserver(_ observer: Any, forKeyPath path: String)
In the addObserver method, the "Observer" term conveys the core action that the function performs, and "forKeyPath" informs users that they will input a path.
Stick to the golden rule of "Clarity at the point of use". Meaning the call site should provide a clear picture of what the function performs without having to jump into the implementation details.
Swift function naming brings structure – and makes your Swift code shine!
Blank lines play a subtle but pivotal role in Swift naming conventions and overall code organization.
In Swift, the usage of blank lines is meant to improve the readability and semantic structure of the code. A blank line effectively separates logical segments of the code, giving visual cues about distinct sections within the codebase.
Appropriate placement of blank lines can guide the reader's focus from one thought process to the next, making the code much easier to follow. A blank line could separate a group of related lines of code, distinguish two different subsections, define a new scope, isolate multi-line expressions, or simply act as a breather between functional blocks. Past countless rows of code, a blank line provides a resting point for the reader's eyes, providing a visual break that enhances comprehensible reading.
Here is an example that demonstrates the appropriate usage of blank lines:
1// Definition of class MyClass 2class MyClass { 3 private var sum = 0 4 5 func computeSum(of input: [Int]) -> Int { 6 for element in input { 7 sum += element 8 } 9 10 return sum 11 } 12}
In the example above, a blank line has been used to separate the property declaration, function definition, inner logic, and final statement. It allows for easier scanning of the code and better mental segmentation of the code’s structure. Blank lines, when thoughtfully used, can give your code a clean, organized feel.
To further understand Swift naming conventions, let's explore "factory methods". Factory methods are essentially functions in Swift, which instantiate and return an object of a certain type. In the context of Swift naming conventions, these methods are named subtly differently to signal their unique role in the code.
Factory methods typically begin with the noun describing the object they produce, followed by further details about the creation process if necessary.
Consider the following example:
1class CarFactory { 2 func sportsCarWithTwoSeats() -> Car { 3 return Car(type: .sports, seats: 2) 4 } 5}
In this example, the factory method sportsCarWithTwoSeats() creates and returns an instance of Car, configured as a two-seater sports car. The name of the function is a clear indicator of what it does and what it returns.
Another aspect of Swift naming conventions for factory methods is the use of the term "make". If your method is purely responsible for creating and configuring an object, use the term "make" in its name:
1func makeSportsCar() -> Car { 2 return Car(type: .sports, seats: 2) 3}
In Swift naming conventions, the intent of the factory method should be immediately clear. Good naming is fluent, unambiguous, and conveys the method’s purpose right at the call site.
Swift has a unique approach to naming—the Swift guideline. It proposes clean and concise names for everything ranging from variables and constants to functions and classes. This guideline emphasizes fluency: your code should not just compile, but also make sense when read, similar to coherent English sentences.
To achieve this fluency, Swift naming rules encourage the use of clear and expressive names. Besides being grammatically correct, names should avoid ambiguity, clearly depict their purpose, and be as concise as possible.
Below is an example of a grammatical phrase in function naming:
1func remove(at position: Index) -> Element
In the above example, the name remove(at:) makes the role and behavior of the function completely clear.
The Swift guideline also supports the use of argument labels to provide more context. An argument label is a description used when calling a function but is ignored within the function itself. Argument labels play a crucial role in making the function a grammatical phrase.
1func prepend(element: String, to array: inout [String])
The function prepend(_:to:) reads naturally, and its action is clear at the call site.
Swift guideline is not just about a few hard-written rules; it's a way to write better, more understandable code. With this guideline, Swift imparts the art of naming to its programmers.
So, how do we implement Swift naming conventions in our everyday coding practices? The key lies in consistent practice and mindful application of the guidelines covered so far. Here's a step-by-step guide:
Clarity Over Brevity: Always prioritize clarity when naming. Ensure that the purpose of a variable or function is evident from its name.
Use Descriptive Names: Use descriptive names for variables, constants, functions, and types. For example, computeSum(of:) is more descriptive and intuitive than sum().
Argument Labels: Make use of argument labels to make your functions read like grammatical phrases. However, remember to omit needless words.
1func insert(_ employee: Employee, at index: Int)
1var employeeCount: Int 2func increaseCount(by amount: Int) 3class EmployeeHandler
Swift naming conventions, shaped by Swift API design guidelines and the conveniently declarative syntax of Swift itself, pave the way towards clear, readable, and maintainable coding. The goal is to improve the coding experience not just for you, but also for anyone else working with your code to create a shared understanding. It promotes coherence and clarity at the call site.
Understanding and adhering to these conventions might be demanding initially. However, as we've seen, Swift's commitment to clarity and closest representation to human language makes it a pleasure to code and read.
Remember, practice is key in becoming proficient in naming. Develop a keen instinct to gauge when your naming sounds natural or forced, is concise or verbose, or is clear or vague. Also remember to make good use of blank lines to improve readability and clarity.
Swift naming conventions and guidelines aim to make your code self-explanatory. They are your tools to write not just good, but great and efficient Swift code. They turn coding into an art that blends creativity and logic in a beautifully logical pattern, making Swift truly the language for the future of Apple development.
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