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Last updated on Nov 30, 2023
•7 mins read
Last updated on Nov 9, 2023
•7 mins read
In today's mobile app development landscape, maintaining the security and integrity of user data is paramount. Perhaps your next Flutter app requires user authentication with an authorization server. This is where 'Flutter AppAuth' steps in. As a Flutter developer, understanding the workings of 'Flutter appauth' and appreciating its importance can elevate your apps to new security standards.
Flutter AppAuth is a future-based library that bridges the gap between your Flutter application and OAuth 2.0 & OpenID Connect authentication protocols. With AppAuth, your Flutter apps can securely access protected resources such as user details, profile data, images, or anything guarded by an OAuth 2.0 or OpenID Connect authorization server. It also supports both OAuth 2.0 & OpenID authorization code flow and implicit flow.
AppAuth is essential for developers as it takes care of the nitty-gritty details in an authorization code flow - communicating with the authorization server, managing the authorization code, managing the access token, and even the refresh token. Moreover, with AppAuth, third-party applications can access user details without requiring the user's credentials.
Flutter developers are often tasked with adding user authentication to their apps to provide secure access. Let's delve further into the world of Flutter appauth and see how it operates, as well as its significance in the Flutter app ecosystem.
The Flutter appauth package enables Flutter apps to implement user login functionality compatible with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect 2.0. Here's a typical example of what a standard auth process with Flutter app auth would look like:
Believe it or not, getting from "user login" to "access authorized resources" involves more than just passwords and email forms; there's an intricate dance between the devices, authorization servers, and flutter apps.
Each step is carefully orchestrated, honoring a standard protocol set by OAuth 2.0 & OpenID Connect and working together towards a common goal: keeping user details safe while providing them an effortless and secure way to use your Flutter app.
While handling user authentication in your Flutter app, the technicalities might seem overwhelming. However, leveraging readily available OSS libraries like Flutter appauth simplifies this.
Flutter appauth initiates an authorization code flow via the authorization endpoint, which ensures a secure way of obtaining both an authorization code and an access token. Let's examine how the authorization server communicates with Flutter appauth.
The library sends an auth request to the authorization server, the response to which is the user details and an authorization code. The server generates a unique URL and redirects the user agent to this URL. This code is then exchanged for an access token.
Remember to set the callback scheme as per your authorization endpoints. This ensures the redirection to your app after a successful login.
The authorization code is simply an intermediary token used in the authentication process. The authorization server provides this code, which can be exchanged for an access token.
For this, the OAuth 2.0 protocol involves redirecting to an authorization endpoint, and the user consents to the permissions requested by the application.
The access token is a critical entity in the Flutter appauth. It grants third-party applications access to server resources on behalf of the user. It has a limited lifetime, post expiry, of which a refresh token helps obtain a new access token.
1class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { 2 Future<void> getToken() async { 3 final AuthorizationTokenResponse result = 4 await appAuth.authorizeAndExchangeCode( AuthorizationTokenRequest(CLIENT_ID, REDIRECT_URL, discoveryUrl: DISCOVERY_URL, scopes: SCOPES, promptValues: ['login'])); 5 // setting access token in secure storage 6 secureStorage.writeSecureData('access_token', result.accessToken); 7 } 8 }
In the above code block, the authorizeAndExchangeCode method from the AppAuth API is used to obtain the access token. After authorization, the token is then securely stored for future use for user data requests.
The access token we obtained earlier is now used to request user details from the resource server. The server verifies the token and, in response, sends the requested resources.
1 class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { 2 Future<void> getUserDetails() async { 3 final String accessToken = secureStorage.readSecureData('access_token'); 4 final http.Response response = await http.get( url, headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer $accessToken', }, ); 5 final Map<String, dynamic> userData = jsonDecode(response.body); 6 // setting user details in secure storage 7 secureStorage.writeSecureData('user_details', userData['name']); 8 } 9 }
In this snippet, we perform an HTTP GET request to the resource server's API endpoint, which returns the user details. The access token is passed along in the header for authorization.
Creating an intuitive user interface with secure user login and logout options using Flutter appauth is crucial for exceptional user experiences and seamless user authentication.
First, let's create a login button on the Flutter app, which will initiate the OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow upon clicking.
1class MyApp extends StatefulWidget { 2 @override 3 _MyAppState createState() => _MyAppState(); 4} 5 6class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> { 7 ... 8 RaisedButton( 9 child: const Text('Login'), 10 onPressed: () { 11 // initiate login here 12 }, 13 ), 14}
On clicking the login button, app users will be redirected to the authorization server's login page (designed by the authorization server), not within the Flutter appauth. This is very beneficial since Flutter developers won't worry about user authentication design problems.
Likewise, after successful login, you'd want to show a logout button that will remove the access and refresh tokens, essentially logging the user out.
1RaisedButton( 2 child: const Text('Logout'), 3 onPressed: () { 4 // initiate logout process here 5 }, 6),
By incorporating these interactive elements into your app's user interface, you allow users seamless access to secured resources, creating a valuable user experience.
In conclusion, integrating Flutter AppAuth into your app allows you to implement a proven, industry-standard protocol (OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect) without grappling with its complex intricacies. The Flutter AppAuth package streamlines the authentication process, manages the tricky parts such as authorization code and access token management, and offers a more secure and reliable means for user authentication.
Moreover, Flutter AppAuth allows your Flutter app to interact proficiently with the authorization server, ensuring user authentication and protection of user details while keeping the procedure transparent for you as a developer. By seamlessly interacting with the user interface, AppAuth truly enhances the user experience of your Flutter apps without compromising on security aspects.
The package eliminates the need for storing sensitive information like user login credentials, thus providing an extra layer of security and making your Flutter apps more reliable and trustworthy in the market.
By harnessing the strength of Flutter AppAuth, you can focus more on enhancing the app's core functionalities, knowing that your authorization workflows are in safe hands. In the vast sea of readily available OSS libraries for Flutter, AppAuth has indeed carved its unique space, making it a favorite choice among Flutter Developers worldwide.
In the realm of user authentication, the true power of the Flutter AppAuth package is remarkable, so make sure you leverage it while building your next Flutter application.
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