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Last updated on May 6, 2024
•12 mins read
Last updated on Nov 1, 2023
•12 mins read
React is a well-known JavaScript package for creating user interfaces, especially for single-page apps. It is used in online and mobile apps to manage the view layer. React allows you to create basic views for each state of your application, and it will update and render the appropriate components when your data changes.
React challenges are tasks or problems designed to test a candidate's knowledge and skills in React. These challenges are often used in the hiring process to evaluate a candidate's practical skills and understanding of React. They can range from simple tasks, like creating a basic component, to more complex problems, like managing the state in a large application.
React continues to be in high demand in the job market. According to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2020, React is the most loved and wanted web framework by developers. The demand for React developers is also high because many large tech companies like Facebook, Instagram, Airbnb, and Netflix widely use React.
React is important because it allows developers to create large web applications that can change data without reloading the page. The main purpose of React is to be fast, scalable, and simple. It works only on user interfaces in the application, which makes the app a simple view that can be updated and rendered efficiently.
There are several platforms where you can practice React coding. Websites like Codecademy, freeCodeCamp, and Scrimba offer interactive React tutorials and challenges. You can also practice React coding on coding challenge websites like HackerRank, LeetCode, and Codewars. These websites offer various challenges that can help you improve your React skills.
Another great way to practice React coding is by building projects. You can start with simple projects like a to-do list or a weather application and then move on to more complex projects as you improve your skills. Building projects not only help you understand React concepts better, but it also gives you practical experience that can be very valuable when applying for jobs.
React coding challenges are designed to test developers' understanding of React concepts and their ability to apply them in real-world scenarios. These challenges can include a variety of tasks, such as creating a React component, managing state, handling events, fetching data from an API, and implementing complex features like drag and drop.
For example, a simple React coding challenge might ask you to create a React app that displays a list of users. You would need to create a User component, fetch data from an API, and display the users in a list. This challenge would test your understanding of React components, state, props, and API integration.
Here's a basic example of how you might fetch data from an API in a React component:
1import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; 2import axios from 'axios'; 3 4function Users() { 5 const [users, setUsers] = useState([]); 6 7 useEffect(() => { 8 axios.get('') 9 .then(response => { 10 setUsers(; 11 }); 12 }, []); 13 14 return ( 15 <ul> 16 { => ( 17 <li key={}>{}</li> 18 ))} 19 </ul> 20 ); 21} 22 23export default Users; 24
A React developer uses the React open-source library ecosystem to design and construct user interface components for JavaScript-based online and mobile apps. These developers work on the entire development cycle of these applications – from concept to deployment. They also ensure that the components and the overall application are robust and easy to maintain. A candidate must have a strong understanding of React concepts, excellent problem-solving skills, and good coding skills to be a successful React developer.
ReactJS coding challenges test a developer's problem-solving skills, understanding of React concepts, and ability to write clean, efficient code. These challenges can cover many topics, including components, props, state, lifecycle methods, hooks, context API, and more.
For example, a medium-difficulty challenge might involve creating a to-do list app with React. This would involve creating multiple components, managing state, handling user input, and possibly storing the to-dos locally. This challenge would test a developer's understanding of state management, event handlers, and React component lifecycle.
Here's a basic example of how you might create a to-do list in React:
1import React, { useState } from 'react'; 2 3function TodoList() { 4 const [todos, setTodos] = useState([]); 5 const [input, setInput] = useState(''); 6 7 const handleAddTodo = () => { 8 setTodos([...todos, input]); 9 setInput(''); 10 }; 11 12 return ( 13 <div> 14 <input value={input} onChange={e => setInput(} /> 15 <button onClick={handleAddTodo}>Add Todo</button> 16 <ul> 17 {, index) => ( 18 <li key={index}>{todo}</li> 19 ))} 20 </ul> 21 </div> 22 ); 23} 24 25export default TodoList; 26
This code creates a simple to-do list where users can add items by typing into the input field and clicking the "Add Todo" button. The list of to-dos is stored in the to-dos state variable, and the current value of the input field is stored in the input state variable. When the "Add Todo" button is clicked, the handleAddTodo function is called, which adds the current value of the input field to the list of to-dos and clears the input field.
Medium tasks in React coding challenges often involve more complex features and require a deeper understanding of React concepts. These tasks might involve implementing features like drag and drop, integrating with an API, managing complex states, or building a more complex UI.
For example, a medium task might involve building a drag-and-drop to-do list. This would test not only your understanding of state and props but also your ability to work with browser APIs and handle more complex user interactions.
Here's a basic example of how you might implement drag and drop in React:
1import React, { useState } from 'react'; 2import { DragDropContext, Droppable, Draggable } from 'react-beautiful-dnd'; 3 4function DragAndDropList() { 5 const [items, setItems] = useState(['Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item 3']); 6 7 const handleDragEnd = (result) => { 8 if (!result.destination) return; 9 const [removed] = items.splice(result.source.index, 1); 10 items.splice(result.destination.index, 0, removed); 11 setItems(items); 12 }; 13 14 return ( 15 <DragDropContext onDragEnd={handleDragEnd}> 16 <Droppable droppableId="droppable"> 17 {(provided) => ( 18 <ul ref={provided.innerRef} {...provided.droppableProps}> 19 {, index) => ( 20 <Draggable key={item} draggableId={item} index={index}> 21 {(provided) => ( 22 <li ref={provided.innerRef} {...provided.draggableProps} {...provided.dragHandleProps}> 23 {item} 24 </li> 25 )} 26 </Draggable> 27 ))} 28 {provided.placeholder} 29 </ul> 30 )} 31 </Droppable> 32 </DragDropContext> 33 ); 34} 35 36export default DragAndDropList; 37
This code uses the react-beautiful-dnd library to implement drag and drop. The DragDropContext component is used to wrap the entire drag-and-drop context. The Droppable component represents where Draggable items can be dropped, and each Draggable item represents an item that can be dragged.
API integration is a common task in React challenges. This involves fetching data from an API and displaying it in your React app. This tests your understanding of asynchronous JavaScript, state management, and data handling in React.
For example, a challenge might involve fetching a list of posts from a JSON placeholder API and displaying them in a list. This would involve using the fetch function or a library like Axios to fetch the data, storing the data in the state, and then mapping over the data to display it in the UI.
Here's a basic example of how you might fetch and display a list of posts in a React component:
1import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; 2import axios from 'axios'; 3 4function Posts() { 5 const [posts, setPosts] = useState([]); 6 7 useEffect(() => { 8 axios.get('') 9 .then(response => { 10 setPosts(; 11 }); 12 }, []); 13 14 return ( 15 <ul> 16 { => ( 17 <li key={}>{post.title}</li> 18 ))} 19 </ul> 20 ); 21} 22 23export default Posts; 24
This code fetches a list of posts from the JSON placeholder API when the Posts component is first rendered. The posts are stored in the posts state variable and then displayed in a list. A li element represents each post, and the post's title is displayed as the content of the li element.
State management is a key concept in React and is often tested in React challenges. This involves creating state variables using the useState hook, updating state using the state update function, and passing state down to child components through props.
For example, a challenge might involve creating a counter app. This would involve creating a state variable for the count, a button to increment the count, and displaying the count in the UI.
Here's a basic example of how you might create a counter app in React:
1import React, { useState } from 'react'; 2 3function Counter() { 4 const [count, setCount] = useState(0); 5 6 const handleIncrement = () => { 7 setCount(count + 1); 8 }; 9 10 return ( 11 <div> 12 <p>Count: {count}</p> 13 <button onClick={handleIncrement}>Increment</button> 14 </div> 15 ); 16} 17 18export default Counter; 19
This code creates a simple counter app. The count is stored in the count state variable, and the setCount function updates the count. The handleIncrement function is called when the "Increment" button is clicked, and it increments the count by 1. The current count is displayed in a p element.
Drag and drop is a common feature in modern web applications and is often included in React challenges. Implementing drag-and-drop functionality can be complex and requires a good understanding of React and the browser's Drag and Drop API.
For example, a challenge might involve creating a sortable list where items can be rearranged by dragging and dropping. This would involve handling the dragstart, dragover, and drop events, updating the state when an item is dropped, and setting the draggable attribute on each list item.
Here's a basic example of how you might implement drag and drop in React:
1import React, { useState } from 'react'; 2 3function SortableList() { 4 const [items, setItems] = useState(['Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item 3']); 5 let dragItem; 6 7 const handleDragStart = (e, index) => { 8 dragItem = index; 9 }; 10 11 const handleDrop = (e, index) => { 12 const newItems = [...items]; 13 const [removedItem] = newItems.splice(dragItem, 1); 14 newItems.splice(index, 0, removedItem); 15 setItems(newItems); 16 }; 17 18 return ( 19 <ul> 20 {, index) => ( 21 <li 22 key={item} 23 draggable 24 onDragStart={(e) => handleDragStart(e, index)} 25 onDrop={(e) => handleDrop(e, index)} 26 onDragOver={(e) => e.preventDefault()} 27 > 28 {item} 29 </li> 30 ))} 31 </ul> 32 ); 33} 34 35export default SortableList; 36
This code creates a sortable list where items can be rearranged by dragging and dropping. The handleDragStart function is called when an item starts being dragged, and it stores the index of the dragged item. The handleDrop function is called when an item is dropped, and it updates the state to reflect the new order of the items.
Communication skills are crucial in React challenges. When working on a challenge, it's important to communicate your thought process, the steps to solve the challenge, and any problems you're encountering. This not only helps others understand your approach but it also demonstrates your problem-solving skills and your ability to work as part of a team.
For example, if you're working on a challenge in a pair programming session, you might need to explain your approach to your partner, ask for their input, and discuss potential solutions. Or if you're working on a challenge as part of a job interview, you might need to explain your solution to the interviewer, answer their questions, and discuss any trade-offs or considerations.
React challenges are a great way to test your coding skills. They can help you identify improvement areas, practice problem-solving, and learn new techniques and approaches. They can also help you prepare for technical interviews, where you'll often be asked to solve coding challenges.
For example, if you're preparing for a job interview for a React developer position, you might practice solving React coding challenges. This can help you get comfortable with the types of problems you might encounter in the interview, and it can also help you improve your problem-solving skills, your understanding of React, and your coding skills.
Here's a basic example of a React coding challenge:
1import React, { useState } from 'react'; 2 3function CounterChallenge() { 4 const [count, setCount] = useState(0); 5 6 const handleIncrement = () => { 7 setCount(count + 1); 8 }; 9 10 const handleDecrement = () => { 11 setCount(count - 1); 12 }; 13 14 return ( 15 <div> 16 <p>Count: {count}</p> 17 <button onClick={handleIncrement}>Increment</button> 18 <button onClick={handleDecrement}>Decrement</button> 19 </div> 20 ); 21} 22 23export default CounterChallenge; 24
This challenge involves creating a counter app with increment and decrement buttons. The handleIncrement function increments the count by 1, and the handleDecrement function decrements the count by 1. The current count is displayed in a p element.
Hiring managers often use React challenges as a part of the technical screening process. These challenges help assess a candidate's practical skills and understanding of React. They provide insight into a candidate's problem-solving abilities, coding skills, and familiarity with React and its concepts.
Hiring managers may choose challenges that reflect the kind of work the candidate would be doing if hired. For instance, if the role involves a lot of work with state management, a relevant challenge might involve creating a complex UI with several components that share state.
React challenges also give hiring managers a chance to see how candidates approach problems, how they structure their code, and how they handle debugging and testing. This can be more informative than simply discussing these topics in an interview.
React continues to be a popular choice for web development, and as a result, the demand for skilled React developers remains high. React challenges, therefore, continue to be a valuable tool for both learning and assessing React skills.
As the React ecosystem evolves, so too will the challenges. We expect future React challenges to involve features like concurrent mode and suspense and libraries like React Query or Zustand. These challenges will continue to be a valuable resource for developers looking to learn React, prepare for job interviews, or keep their skills sharp.
Whether you're a new developer just starting with React or an experienced developer looking to level up your skills, tackling React challenges can be a great way to learn. So why not pick a challenge and start coding?
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