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Software Development Executive - II
Last updated on Aug 5, 2024
Last updated on Mar 6, 2024
Welcome to our post on Firebase auth roles and their crucial role in Flutter app development. As the sphere of the digital world continues to evolve, each app we develop needs to carry a sense of security and private access, which is where Firebase and Flutter swoop into rescue.
Firebase, a tool developed by Google, has quickly become a go-to choice for seamless backend services. One of the myriad services it provides is Firebase Authentication, offering a secure way to handle the authentication for our users. Pairing it with Flutter, a beautiful UI tool kit by Google, enables us to develop top-notch applications while ensuring user-based access control.
Today, we will dive deep into role-based user authorization using Firebase authentication in the context of a Flutter application. This post will help you understand the significance of Firebase auth roles and role-based access control, and it is a step-by-step guide on integrating it into your Flutter app. Let's get started!
Firebase is a suite of cloud-based tools aimed at facilitating app development. Firebase has an imprinted seal of reliability, speed, and efficiency as a Google product. Firebase auth roles, one of the many features, assist with customizable, secure user authentication.
Flutter, meanwhile, is a UI toolkit from Google that has revolutionized cross-platform development. Its "write once, run anywhere" philosophy means developers can focus more on crafting fantastic user experiences while reducing the time spent on platform-specific development.
Pairing Firebase and Flutter provides a powerful combination for developing highly secure, robust, and beautiful applications.
In any app, it is vital to restrict access to certain features or data based on the user's role. For instance, only admins can create, edit, or delete posts in a blogging app. Regular users can read and comment on posts, but they shouldn't have access to any controls related to post management.
Access control is a security technique that determines who or what can access or manipulate resources. One of the most effective ways to implement this security technique in apps is Role-Based Access Control (RBAC).
RBAC reduces the complexity around access control by limiting network access based on the roles of individual users within an enterprise. In other words, it restricts what a user can and cannot access within the system, thus ensuring higher security.
This control is huge when you look at it from the viewpoint of an app's data integrity and protection against unauthorized access, making it a fundamental aspect of app development.
Firebase supports role-based user authorization crisply and efficiently. With Firebase Authentication, assigning roles to users and limiting their access based on these roles is possible. The Firebase admin SDK allows the modification of users, adding custom claims indicating the user's role, and securing sections of the app according to these roles.
For example, you can assign a user the role of an 'admin' and set the boolean value of 'isAdmin' as true. Once this setup is done, Firebase rules can be written to allow only admins to write data to certain parts of your database.
Security rules in Firestore and Firebase Realtime Database can use these custom claims to enforce role-based user authorization. These rules can verify the user's role by inspecting the request.auth.token property, which contains all custom claims.
This combination of Firebase authentication and role-based access control provides a powerful mechanism to secure and manage access to resources within your app.
Let's look at the beginning steps for integrating Firebase auth roles in a Flutter app, taking advantage of Firebase Authentication’s unique feature - the custom claim.
To start with this, remember to add the Firebase Authentication package to your Flutter project.
First, you need to install the firebase_auth package. Add this line under dependencies in your pubspec.yaml:
1firebase_auth: ^4.17.6
Afterwards, download the package by running the following command in the terminal:
1flutter pub get
Remember to import the package at the beginning of your .dart file:
1import 'package:firebase_auth/firebase_auth.dart';
This is a good starting ground before we delve further into role assignment and Firebase rules.
In a typical Flutter application, user roles can be defined during account creation or modification. When a user signs up for your application, you can assign them a role. Let's refer to this example scenario to understand the process:
Creating the User Document: A document in the Firestore collection 'users' is created when a user creates an account. Here, a field 'roles' of type Map is added, with a key of 'admin' and a boolean value of 'false'. A boolean value is preferred when assigning roles based on true/false conditions.
Updating Roles: Roles can be updated by an admin using the Firebase console or through the Firebase function in the backend. When the 'admin' role is set to 'true', the user has admin roles.
Verifying Access Levels: Once the roles are updated, you can retrieve the logged-in user’s roles by reading the user document from Firestore.
Doing this, you can easily assign Firebase user roles in Firebase auth based on the boolean value and manage private access based on these roles.
Assigning roles to users in Firestore involves leveraging security rules and custom claims. Here's the strategy that we typically employ:
Create a Cloud Function: This function listens for changes to the Firestore user document. More specifically, we're interested in the 'roles' field. Firebase Functions enrich our apps with server-side logic.
Custom Claims: If the role field is changed to include 'admin: true', we add a custom claim using the Firebase Admin SDK, specifying that this user is an admin. Custom claims are boolean properties that we can attach via Firebase functions to a user upon creation or modification.
Security Rules: Our Firebase security rules will then look for these custom claims in subsequent requests. If we have a document restricted to only admins, our security rules on Firestore will refuse to write operations unless the request.auth.token.admin == true.
1// An example Firebase rule implementing this: 2match /somePrivate/{doc} { 3 allow write: if request.auth.token.admin == true; 4}
This example code snippet restricts writing to the 'somePrivate' collection only to users with the admin claim set to true.
Look at a detailed demo showcasing Firebase auth role-based login in a Flutter application. We will create an app where only admins can create or delete posts.
Step 1: Create a Role-Based Firebase User: For a new user, when registering, we will create a user document with the 'roles' map, and set 'admin' to 'false'.
1FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('users').doc(user.user.uid).set({ 2 "email": email, 3 "roles": { 4 "admin": false 5 } 6});
Step 2: Assign Firebase Auth Roles in a Function: Define a function setCustomAdminClaim in Firebase Cloud Functions that validates and assigns admin roles based on the role in Firestore.
1exports.setCustomAdminClaim = functions.firestore.document('users/{userId}') 2 .onWrite(async (change, context) => { 3 const newValue =; 4 const userEmail =; 5 if(newValue.roles.admin) { 6 const user = await admin.auth().getUserByEmail(userEmail); 7 if(user.customClaims && (user.customClaims as any).admin === true) { 8 return null; 9 } 10 return admin.auth().setCustomUserClaims(user.uid, { 11 admin: true 12 }); 13 } 14 else { 15 const user = await admin.auth().getUserByEmail(userEmail); 16 if(user.customClaims && (user.customClaims as any).admin === false) { 17 return null; 18 } 19 return admin.auth().setCustomUserClaims(user.uid, { 20 admin: false 21 }); 22 } 23 });
Step 3: Implement Firebase Security Rules: Firestore Security rules that check the request.auth.token.admin == true before allowing any CRUD operations for a 'posts' collection.
1rules_version = '2'; 2service cloud.firestore { 3 match /databases/{database}/documents { 4 match /posts/{post} { 5 allow write: if request.auth.token.admin == true; 6 allow read: if request.auth != null; 7 } 8 } 9}
Remember to test the implemented role-based user authorization and Firebase rules and ensure everything functions as expected.
Now that we've set up our Firebase auth roles, validating whether they work as intended is essential. Here's how you can run tests to confirm everything is working correctly:
1final docRef = FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('posts').doc(); 2final postContent = {'title': 'Post Title', 'content': 'Some content here.'}; 3try { 4 await docRef.set(postContent); 5 print("Post created successfully."); 6} catch (e) { 7 print("An error occurred during post creation: $e"); 8}
An error message should be printed out when run with a user without admin privileges.
Remember that these are basic tests. In a real-world scenario, you must conduct more comprehensive tests to ensure your app performs flawlessly under any circumstances.
Creating the perfect Firebase Auth Role-based Flutter app is not always plain sailing. Some of the common pitfalls while setting up Firebase auth role-based login in Flutter include:
Ignoring Security Rules: Firebase security rules are fundamental to the functioning of Firebase auth roles. Writing incorrect or ambiguous rules can lead to undesired results.
Overlooking User Experience: While focusing on the database and server-side logic, the user interface and experience can often be overlooked. But remember, role-based access control should not hamper user experience.
Overuse of Admin Role: Making too many people admin can lead to management problems and potential security threats.
Keeping Up with Role Changes: When user roles change, updating Firebase, Firestore, and your app can become a big task.
Facing these challenges is part of the journey, and overcoming them enriches your app development process. Each challenge surfacing provides a learning experience and helps make your app more robust and resilient.
Here we present some of the key advantages of using Firebase auth roles in a Flutter app development context:
Security Enhancement: Firebase auth roles provide an additional security layer to your app by controlling who has access to what resources.
Flexibility: With custom claims, you can decide and specify any number of roles and control access based on them.
Simplicity: Firebase's suite of tools and services, along with its seamless integration with Flutter, simplifies the role-based access control process greatly, reducing the amount of code you need to write.
Performance: Firebase backend services use high-performance servers, contributing to the fast running of your application.
Easier Management: Managing access control with Firebase auth roles is easier as it reduces the complexity involved in the process.
Implementing role-based user authorization in your Flutter app will make it more secure and enhance your app’s overall efficiency, delivering a great user experience.
From this post, we hope you gained a robust understanding of implementing Firebase auth roles for role-based access control in your Flutter app. Firebase provides an efficient way to handle user roles, while Flutter’s seamless integration with Firebase simplifies the process further.
Remember, access control is not just an optional feature but a fundamental necessity in today’s digital world. The role-based user authorization we discussed secures your data and ensures appropriate access for each user, enhancing your app's security and user experience.
Dive into this world of Firebase authentication and Flutter, and empower your app with robust security features. We encourage you to deepen your understanding further, run experiments, and make your Flutter applications more secure and efficient.
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