Design Converter
Last updated on Sep 15, 2023
Last updated on Aug 10, 2023
Flutter is an open-source UI toolkit that empowers developers to craft natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. It stands out for its powerful cross-platform capabilities, robust backend support, and flexible database options.
Flutter's cross-platform rendering engine allows the creation of visually rich interfaces that feel native to each platform. When it comes to backend and database systems, Flutter supports a wide range of choices including HTTP-based data feeds or using state management libraries.
Notably, Flutter provides support for SQLite, a widely-adopted choice for local databases in mobile applications. Specific Flutter packages like SQFlite, Moor, and Hive further simplify the implementation of local databases.
In brief, Flutter's blend of cross-platform development and versatile backend and database solutions make it a standout among its peers, especially for developers looking at Flutter database, Flutter SQLite, or the broader Flutter backend.
The backend in Flutter refers to the server-side logic and data services that power your application. It's the workhorse behind the scenes, responsible for managing data, enforcing business rules, handling authentication, and ultimately, driving your application’s core features.
Flutter applications can interact with various types of backends – REST APIs, GraphQL APIs, Firebase, and more. Due to its language-agnostic nature, Flutter can virtually connect with any backend service, as long as it communicates via HTTP.
By using Flutter's rich ecosystem of packages, such as Dio and Chopper, developers can simplify complex network tasks. They make it easier to handle network requests, manage states, and parse complex JSON responses.
Through these resources, the construction of a Facade pattern becomes an easily obtainable task. The Facade pattern is commonly used in Flutter applications to abstract the underlying complex network operations and provide a simple, high-level interface for data access.
The choice of backend technology largely depends on your application's specific requirements. For server-based backends, you can choose from a wide range of technologies such as Node JS, Express JS, Django, Flask, MongoDB, etc. These server-side technologies allow applications to perform database operations, authorization, file manipulations, and many other things by serving as intermediate layers between the clients (Flutter application) and the database.
For serverless backends, i.e., Backend as a Service (BaaS), Firebase is a great option. It's a NoSQL cloud database to store and sync data across all clients in real-time or offline. Firebase with Flutter offers a host of backend services like authentication, cloud storage, cloud functions, real-time databases, and many more. The Firestore package in Flutter allows for seamless interaction with Firebase.
Whether you're looking for an easy-to-use serverless solution or a robust server-based backend, Flutter has got you covered.
Local Databases in Flutter
An application's data requirements are a crucial factor when deciding the need for a local database. For apps operating with a large amount of data, a local database can enhance performance by reducing the load time, optimizing the user interface responsiveness, and providing a smoother user experience.
Data persistence is another key benefit of using a local database in Flutter, especially for mobile applications. Persistent data allows developers to store data directly on the device, enabling app users to access their data offline and at any time, increasing usability.
Flutter provides a diverse range of local database options. The choice depends largely on the complexity and scale of the application. Among several options, three stand out for their specific utility:
For handling complex databases, Flutter SQLite , supported by the SQFlite plugin, is a popular choice. SQLite is a transactional database engine written in the C programming language. It is an embedded SQL database engine and does not require any separate server process.
For lighter applications, Hive and Shared Preferences are beneficial. Hive is a NoSQL database written purely in Dart. It’s a perfect fit when dealing with less complex data and when simplicity and speed are critical.
Shared Preferences, on the other hand, is used for storing uncomplicated data in the form of simple key-value pairs, ideal for storing user settings.
Whatever the Flutter database option developers opt for, it is the core part of a Flutter application that helps fuel a seamless UI and enhance the user experience.
SQLite is a small, fast, and fully transactional SQL database engine. Unlike most other SQL databases, SQLite does not operate on a separate server or require any configuration. Instead, SQLite reads and writes directly to ordinary disk files. This self-contained, high-reliability, embedded, full-featured, public-domain, SQL database engine is the most deployed database in the world with significantly more deployments than Oracle, MySQL, or any other database.
In simpler terms, SQLite provides all the functionality of an SQL database in the most compact and efficient way possible. It can handle databases of any size and performance is quite good for most common use cases. SQLite is ideal when working with local databases in Flutter.
SQLite brings plenty of benefits to a Flutter application:
In the context of Flutter, SQLite is a great choice, especially when dealing with a complex or large amount of data. With the help of the sqflite plugin, Flutter SQLite operations become relatively straightforward and effective.
To integrate SQLite into a Flutter application, we'll use the sqflite plugin. Below are the steps to install the plugin:
Adding Package: Add the sqflite package in your pubspec.yaml file under dependencies:
1 dependencies: 2 sqflite: any 3
Installing Package: Open the terminal in your IDE or command prompt and navigate to your project directory, where pubspec.yaml is located. Run the command flutter pub get to retrieve the packages.
1 $ flutter pub get 2
With the sqflite package installed, executing various CRUD operations in the SQLite database becomes simplified. Here’s a brief overview of how to perform these operations:
Step 1: Importing Package: Import the sqflite package inside your Flutter Dart file.
1 import 'package:sqflite/sqflite.dart'; 2
Step 2: Opening Database: Use the openDatabase method to open a connection to the database.
1 void openDatabase() async{ 2 final db = await openDatabase('my_database.db'); 3 } 4
Step 3: Creating Table: To create a table in your SQLite database, use the execute method after opening the database.
1 void createTable() async{ 2 final db = await openDatabase('my_database.db'); 3 4 await db.execute( 5 'CREATE TABLE records(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT)', 6 ); 7 } 8
Subsequent sections of the blog will further explore these operations, elaborating on how to create, read, update, and delete records in a Flutter SQLite database, and how the Flutter sqflite package facilitates these operations.
The applicability of SQLite in Flutter local databases can streamline your app data handling process, improving performance and resulting in a more responsive user interface.
SQFlite is a Flutter plugin for SQLite databases. It provides a simple, easy-to-use interface to perform standard database operations like CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete). SQFlite is built exclusively for Flutter, keeping in mind the constraints and operations of mobile devices. It integrates smoothly with the Flutter ecosystem, hence making it a reliable choice for local storage in Flutter applications.
Here’s an example that exhibits the database operation of inserting a record:
1 void insertData() async { 2 Map<String, dynamic> row = { 3 'name' : 'Tony', 4 'age' : 23 5 }; 6 final db = await openDatabase('my_database.db'); 7 await db.insert('records', row); 8 } 9
Let's see how Flutter sqflite can be used in a more practical scenario. In this case, we will assume a simple Flutter app that contains a list of tasks. We will use SQFlite to store and retrieve these tasks from the database. Here's a snippet that shows how we can retrieve these tasks from a database:
1 Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> retrieveTasks() async { 2 final db = await openDatabase('my_database.db'); 3 4 return await db.query('tasks'); 5 } 6
Using SQFlite, we can easily enhance our applications by adding local storage capabilities. It enables us to create offline-first applications that work irrespective of network connectivity.
SQFlite is undeniably a powerful tool for local storage in Flutter. It simplifies working with SQLite, making data management more efficient and robust, essential for creating user-friendly Flutter applications.
SQLite follows a relational database model, which means data is stored in tables that can have relationships with one another. There are three main types of relationships:
Managing table relationships in Flutter SQLite is straightforward. For instance, suppose we have a user table and an orders table. Here's how we define these tables within SQLite:
1 await db.execute( 2 'CREATE TABLE users(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, age INTEGER)', 3 ); 4 5 await db.execute( 6 'CREATE TABLE orders(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, user_id INTEGER, order_number INTEGER)', 7 ); 8
In the above example, 'user_id' in the 'orders' table forms a relationship with 'id' in the 'users' table. If you want to retrieve all orders for a particular user, you can execute a JOIN query as follows:
1 Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> retrieveUserOrders(int userId) async { 2 final db = await openDatabase('my_database.db'); 3 4 return await db.rawQuery('SELECT * FROM orders WHERE user_id = ?', [userId]); 5 } 6
As you can see, SQLite's relational database nature allows efficient management of complex data structures. The ease of Flutter SQLite operations encourages developers to implement relational database designs in their Flutter apps effectively and conveniently.
Moor is another powerful, reactive persistence library for Flutter applications. It allows developers to work with databases easily by providing the ability to write queries in pure Dart, validating data at compile time and handling complex SQLite operations.
Being based on pure Dart, Moor integrates smoothly with Flutter packages like Provider and BLoC , enabling efficient state management in your Flutter SQLite app.
Using Moor, all the CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) can be performed seamlessly. Moor provides a type-safe and straightforward way to run SQL statements. It also provides helpful tools to interact with SQLite databases, including querying and DB transactions.
Let's take a look at an example where we insert data into a Moor table:
Firstly, define the tables and operations in another file:
1 class Tasks extends Table { 2 IntColumn get id => integer().autoIncrement()(); 3 TextColumn get name => text().withLength(min:1, max:20)(); 4 } 5 6 @UseMoor(tables: [Tasks]) 7 class MyDatabase extends _$MyDatabase { 8 MyDatabase() : super(FlutterQueryExecutor.inDatabaseFolder(path:'db.sqlite')); 9 10 Future<List<Task>> getAllTasks() => select(tasks).get(); 11 Future<int> insertTask(TasksCompanion task) => into(tasks).insert(task); 12 } 13
In the above snippet, we declare a 'Tasks' table and functions for retrieving and inserting tasks.
Now in your Dart file, you can then use these operations as shown:
1 final db = MyDatabase(); 2 3 // Insert a task: 4 final task = TasksCompanion(name: Value('New Task')); 5 await db.insertTask(task); 6 7 // Fetch all tasks: 8 List<Task> tasks = await db.getAllTasks(); 9
These examples demonstrate how Moor library can expedite SQLite database management in a Flutter local database setup.
This combination of Dart safety and database ease makes Moor an appealing choice when dealing with local databases in Flutter.
Efficient data validation and error handling are essential for creating reliable and user-friendly apps. Let's first understand these concepts.
It involves checking the input data against defined criteria or constraints. In SQLite, you can carry out data validation at the database level using constraints like NOT NULL, UNIQUE, CHECK, etc.
For example, consider an SQLite table named "users" with fields "username" and "email". We can ensure that these fields are not empty by using the NOT NULL constraint like so:
1 await db.execute( 2 'CREATE TABLE users(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, username TEXT NOT NULL, email TEXT NOT NULL)', 3 ); 4
It involves catching and dealing with errors during program execution. Dart's built-in support for exceptions helps us handle errors in SQLite operations. The key lies in the use of try-catch-finally blocks.
Here's a simple example of executing a query and handling potential exceptions:
1 void runQuery() async { 2 final db = await openDatabase('my_database.db'); 3 4 try { 5 await db.rawQuery('SELECT * FROM users'); 6 } catch (Exception) { 7 print('An error occurred!'); 8 } 9 } 10
In the above example, if the 'users' table does not exist in the database, an exception will occur. The catch block of the code catches the exception and prints a simple error message.
Local caching can significantly increase a Flutter app's speed and efficiency by storing data locally and reducing the need for network requests. SQLite is an excellent choice for implementing local caching due to its efficiency and ease of use.
Consider an app that retrieves users' details from an API and displays them. To reduce the network requests, we can save the data to an SQLite database upon the first request and then read the details from the local SQLite database for subsequent requests.
SQLite Migration in Flutter
Database migration refers to the process of moving data from one database to another. When it comes to SQLite, migration usually implies changes to the database schema like adding new tables, or modifying or deleting current ones.
To keep data intact during these changes, migration scripts are created outlining the changes to the schema. As the SQFlite does not inherently support automatic migrations, they must be written manually. Here's an example:
Considering we need to add a column ‘email’ to our existing 'users' table, the migration script for this will be as follows:
1 await db.execute( 2 'ALTER TABLE users ADD email TEXT', 3 ); 4
It’s good practice to structure migrations and execute them in numbered order, usually via a function tied to the database initialization.
Experienced Flutter developers emphasize the importance of well-planned migrations. They play a crucial role in preserving data integrity and keeping the database updated and efficient. The implementation of migrations in Flutter SQLite databases enhances data structure robustness and contributes to a comprehensive Flutter database strategy.
Well-optimized SQL queries are essential for the speedy retrieval and manipulation of data in SQLite databases. An efficient query minimizes the use of resources and significantly enhances the performance of your Flutter applications. Here are a few simple tips to help you optimize your queries:
Here's an example of a well-optimized query:
1 Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> retrieveUserByEmail(String email) async { 2 final db = await openDatabase('my_database.db'); 3 return await db.query('users', where: 'email = ?', whereArgs: [email]); 4 } 5
Regular benchmarking and rigorous testing of database operations can help you spot inefficiencies and ensure the top performance of your application. Flutter provides ample resources for benchmarking and testing the SQLite database operations.
Tools such as sqflite_perf and sqflite_sqlcipher_perf allow you to benchmark SQLite operations and get detailed insights on performance. This nifty tool allows you to test the execution time for a set of standard database operations and helps you identify any bottlenecks.
Regular testing is crucial to maintaining well-performing applications. Flutter offers robust testing frameworks that allow you to validate your SQFlite operations.
Structured and clean code is easier to understand, debug, and maintain. Flutter encourages a clear and systematic approach to organizing your SQLite operations. Typically, all the database setup functions (opening the database, executing initial setups, etc.) should be included in a separate Dart file. All your CRUD operations can also be encapsulated neatly into separate functions. This approach not only improves readability but will also make your code modular and easy to manage.
Just as it's important to open a database connection to perform operations, it's equally crucial to close the connection once you're done. Closing the database connection when not needed frees up system resources. Flutter's SQFlite plugin provides the close method to close the database connection.
Here's an example:
1 void closeDb() async{ 2 final db = await openDatabase('my_database.db'); 3 await db.close(); 4 } 5
SQLite operations in Flutter are not inherently safe for multi-threaded operations. Therefore, if your application uses multiple threads, it's essential to implement a mechanism to prevent concurrent database modifications from multiple threads. Flutter's sqflite package, by default, uses a single-thread model. However, this is just one of several methods to ensure safe thread operations. With careful planning, developers can seamlessly make multi-threaded SQLite operations safe in Flutter applications.
Ensuring adherence to best practices while working with SQLite in Flutter can significantly enhance your apps' performance and reliability and substantially improve the development process.
This journey through the facets of SQLite in Flutter is intended to provide an in-depth grasp on utilizing SQLite effectively for managing local databases in your Flutter applications.
We started by understanding what makes Flutter unique, especially in terms of backend and database support. We then unearthed the importance of local databases and dove into SQLite, its benefits, and the procedure to integrate it with Flutter using the sqflite plugin.
We sifted through the ideas of handling relationships in SQLite, and other libraries like Moor and walked through advanced topics, including the necessity of data validation, error handling, local caching and migrations. We discussed performance optimization techniques and concluded with some key best practices to follow.
While the knowledge of working with Flutter's backend systems, local databases, and SQLite will certainly elevate your Flutter development skills, always remember that becoming proficient requires continuous learning and practice.
This comprehensive exploration certainly helped me understand how to use Flutter SQLite, the Flutter sqflite plugin, and other related resources for local database management. Developing an app with SQLite as its underlying local database will be an excellent way to reinforce and expand these newly acquired skills.
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