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Last updated on Oct 31, 2023
Last updated on Oct 30, 2023
When working with Cloud Firestore, most developers, regardless of their platform of choice (in our case, it's Flutter), often find themselves dealing with certain Firestore limitations. Whether you are pushing your high-velocity Flutter Firebase application to the limits or just trying to structure your Firestore database efficiently, having a clear understanding of these limitations and constraints is crucial.
This blog post aims to delve into Firebase limitations from a Flutter developer's viewpoint, extensively covering the Firestore limits, operational constraints, and possible inefficient scenarios in query execution. By targeting the specific Firestore limitations, our goal is to help you create efficient and scalable applications in a Flutter + Firebase ecosystem.
Let's go ahead and unfold these intricacies one by one. Make sure to stay on board for the whole journey.
Flutter is renowned for its efficiency in building stunning cross-platform applications with a single codebase. When it comes to back-end services, Firebase proves to be a perfect companion for Flutter.
Firebase offers a host of features like authentication, hosting, cloud storage, real-time databases, and much more. One component that stands apart is Cloud Firestore, a NoSQL database allowing reactive, complex, hierarchical data structures to be stored with ease.
Firestore usage in Flutter offers some significant benefits such as real-time synchronization and automatic scaling. However, it has Firestore limitations that every Flutter developer should be aware of.
While these Firestore limits certainly do not undermine Firestore's capabilities, knowing them helps you write elegantly structured and optimally performing code, thus creating efficient and scalable applications. Let's delve deeper into these Firebase limitations.
Cloud Firestore is a powerful tool, but it's not exempt from constraints. Recognizing these Firestore limitations is a critical step in constructing robust Flutter applications. This section describes some of the essential limitations in Firestore that you might stumble upon and provides context on how Firestore usage can lead to the downfall of your otherwise perfectly functional Flutter Firebase application.
Firestore has certain restrictions when it comes to write operations. Each write operation on a single document completes in several steps. Firestore limits the frequency of writes to a single document to approximately once per second. This ensures fairness, prevents quota abuse, and helps you avoid contention errors.
1var firestore = FirebaseFirestore.instance; 2DocumentReference doc = firestore.collection('users').doc('user1'); 3firestore.runTransaction((transaction) async { 4 var snapshot = await transaction.get(doc); 5 var newCount =['count'] + 1; 6 transaction.update(doc, {'count': newCount}); 7});
This example shows a simple Firestore transaction in a Flutter app where the count field of a document is incremented. If a large number of transactions like this are performed on the same document in quick succession, you might experience contention errors due to Firestore's write limit.
Firestore offers a beautifully straightforward way to structure your data. We can use collections of documents, and these documents can contain arrays, sub-collections, and even nested objects.
However, when it comes to structuring complex data, Firestore has its own set of limitations. The Firestore database doesn't support native querying over nested collections, which means getting documents from a sub-collection requires separate queries for every main document. Also, it's important to note that the structure depth (collections within documents and vice versa) cannot exceed 100.
In a Firestore database, if a document has a sub-collection, and we want to query the sub-collection, we must do a separate query for every document. This Firestore query limit keeps the single field and same-field querying process efficient at the possible cost of losing the ability to seamlessly perform cross-collection queries.
1var collection = FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('products'); 2collection.doc('product1').collection('variations');
The above snippet shows how to query nested collections. This results in Firestore issuing a separate query for each document in the parent collection (products), which can considerably increase Firestore costs.
This concludes our analysis of some of the most common Firestore limitations and how they can potentially influence the scalability of your Flutter Firebase app. In the sections to follow, we'll discuss more specific Firestore limits and explore efficient ways to work within these constraints.
When it comes to performing Firestore queries involving multiple criteria, Firestore presents us with a limitation involving complex queries with different fields. It doesn't support queries that require a logical OR or NOT. Instead, you have to create separate queries for each OR condition and merge them on the client. This limitation is not due to Firestore usage, but because Firestore follows an indexing mechanism to make queries more optimised.
While you can use single or even multiple inequality filter on the same field in a Firestore query, it is important to keep the Firestore query limitations in mind.
1var collection = FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('products'); 2collection.where('price', isGreaterThan: 10).where('price', isLessThan: 20);
This example demonstrates how inequality filters can be used on the same field price within the Firestore query.
Moreover, Firestore queries requiring a sort order on different fields would also need a defined composite index. This example clearly demonstrated the Firestore query limit. Understanding Firestore limits like this will make structuring your queries less arduous, make database operations more optimized, and reduce Firestore costs.
Firestore transactions come with specific limits, which must be considered to maintain application performance. Here are the key Firestore limitations related to transactions:
Transaction limits like these ensure database stability, prevent abuse, and mitigate issues related to contention errors and operation timeouts.
For instance, while trying to update a larger set of 'user ratings' in a Firestore document, you need to be aware of the Firestore write limit per transaction.
1// Assume we have an array of document references `userDocs` 2 3FirebaseFirestore.instance.runTransaction((transaction) async { 4 userDocs.take(500).forEach((doc) async { //to limit our operations within transaction 5 DocumentSnapshot snapshot = await transaction.get(doc); 6 double newRating = snapshot.get('rating') + 1; 7 transaction.update(doc, {'rating': newRating}); 8 }); 9});
In this example, the Firestore transaction limit of 500 documents in a single transaction is showcased.
Firestore automatically creates indexes for all fields in your documents, allowing you to perform powerful searches using queries. However, there are certain limitations tied to Firestore's indexing mechanism.
1// An example of a query to illustrate the indexing mechanism 2var collection = FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('products'); 3collection.where('type', isEqualTo: 'Electronics').orderBy('price').limit(10);
In the given query, a composite index with 'type' (equality) and 'price' (range) fields may be required to function correctly. Awareness of Firestore indexing constraints is crucial to harness the full power of Firestore.
Firestore imposes certain restrictions on data storage to maintain efficiency, with specific limits regarding the maximum size of documents, fields, and others. Here are some Firestore limitations related to storage:
This effectively limits the amount of data you can store within a single Firestore document. If the data exceeds Firestore's maximum size, you would need to split the data across multiple documents or collections.
1// If a 'product' document contains a lot of 'reviews', it may be better to move 'reviews' to a sub-collection 2CollectionReference reviews = FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('products').doc('product1').collection('reviews');
In this example, reviews are moved to a sub-collection of product1 to cater to data exceeding Firestore's maximum size limit per document.
Firebase adheres to specific limits regarding the number of simultaneous connections to your database. All client connections to the Firestore backend are considered active, whether it's a read, write, or listening for real-time events. For the Firestore in the native mode, the current limit is one million concurrent connections per database.
For instance, if you're running a Flutter Firebase application with an extensive user base, these restrictions on the number of simultaneous connections can influence your Firestore usage in terms of how many users can interact with your Firestore database simultaneously.
It's worth considering these limitations as you design the architecture of your Firestore database and scale your application to ensure uninterrupted Firestore database operations. Not doing so could result in operation failures due to exceeding Firestore connection limitations.
Understanding Firestore's constraints and Firestore limitations is significant, but knowing how to adapt your Flutter Firebase app around these limitations is even more crucial. The following are some best practices to consider:
Sharding to overcome write operation limits: If you often exceed the Firestore write limit to a single document, consider dividing the data (Sharding) across multiple documents. Sharding helps prevent write contention errors and makes Firestore operations more effective.
Denormalization to tackle Firestore query limit: Given the Firestore query limit, denormalization (duplicating data across documents/collections) can be beneficial. Though it may lead to an increase in storage and Firestore costs, it can simplify query structures, reducing the need for complex composite indexes.
Handling complex data structures: While handling complex data structures, consider storing data flatly in collections at the root level. This can help overcome the limitation of reading nested data in a single query and ensure more efficient querying.
The use of cloud functions to circumvent transaction limits: Use Cloud Functions to update documents when an update is too large for a single transaction. This way, you can break down large operations into smaller ones to align with Firestore's limits. However, remember cloud functions have constraints of their own.
1// Here's an example for denormalization. 2CollectionReference orderRef = FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('orders'); 3orderRef.doc('order1').set({ 4 'user': 'user1', 5 'productName': 'Photon lasers', 6 'productType': 'Weapons', 7 'price': 1000 8}); 9 10CollectionReference userRef = FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('users'); 11userRef.doc('user1').set({ 12 'recentOrder':{ 13 'productId':'order1', 14 'productName':'Photon lasers', 15 'price':1000 16 } 17});
In this code snippet, the denormalization example stores some of the order details within the user's document. This allows a single query to retrieve a user and their recent order details together.
To manage Firestore limitations effectively, always evaluate your Firestore usage and structure your Firestore database carefully to optimize performance.
Understanding Firestore limitations thoroughly is a cornerstone of creating efficient and scalable applications using Cloud Firestore, particularly for Flutter Firebase developers. We’ve explored Firestore limits such as write, transaction and Firestore query limits along with strategies to manage and optimize within these constraints.
Remember, limitations aren't here to hamper your progress but rather to guide your path towards better Firestore usage within your Flutter Firebase project. Once you account for these limits and constraints, you'll find Firestore to be an exceedingly suitable and reliable backend database for your Flutter apps.
Further Reading and Acknowledgments
Facing Firestore limitations and overcoming them broadens your knowledge scope and helps you optimize your Firestore usage. A special thank you to the Flutter and Firestore developer community for their insights and experiences. Having understood the various Firestore limitations, you will be better equipped to create indispensable Flutter Firebase applications with maintained efficiency. Happy coding!
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