Design Converter
Developer Advocate
Last updated on Feb 21, 2024
Last updated on Feb 7, 2024
Real-time communication is a critical feature in modern web applications, allowing users to interact with each other through video, audio, and data sharing with low latency. Two key technologies that enable real-time communication are and WebRTC. is a powerful JavaScript library that facilitates real-time bidirectional event-based communication.
It is widely used for chat applications, real-time analytics, and multiplayer games. WebRTC, on the other hand, is a free, open-source project that provides web browsers and mobile applications with real-time communication capabilities via simple APIs. and WebRTC can be combined to create robust video chat applications. While WebRTC handles the direct peer-to-peer video and audio data transfer, is a signaling server coordinating peer-to-peer connections. This involves exchanging metadata for establishing connections, such as session descriptions and ICE candidates. enhances WebRTC by managing the signaling process required for establishing peer-to-peer connections. It allows for the dynamic sending of offers and answers between clients to initiate video communication. Additionally, can manage room-based interactions, where users can join specific rooms to connect with others, making it an excellent choice for creating video chat rooms.
This blog will guide you through building a video chat application using and WebRTC. We will cover the development environment setup, server-side and client-side implementation, managing WebRTC peer connections, and integrating for signaling. By the end of this blog, you will have a functional video chat app and a deeper understanding of real-time communication in web applications.
Before diving into the code, you must set up your development environment. This involves installing the necessary packages and initializing your project.
To start, you'll need Node.js installed on your machine. Once Node.js is set up, you can install the packages required for our video chat app. Open your terminal and run the following commands:
1npm install express webrtc-adapter 2
This will install Express, a web server framework for Node.js, for real-time communication, and the webrtc-adapter to shim and polyfill WebRTC in different browsers.
Next, initialize your Node.js project by running:
1npm init -y 2
This command creates a package.json file with default values. The package.json file will keep track of your project's dependencies and other configurations.
Create a new folder structure to organize your server-side and client-side code. In your project directory, create two new folders named server and public. Your public folder will hold all the static files, such as your HTML, CSS, and client-side JavaScript files, while the server folder will contain your server-side JavaScript code.
Here's how you can create these folders:
1mkdir server public 2
With your development environment set up, you're ready to start building the server-side of your video chat application. In the next section, we'll initialize the web server and set up the signaling server with
The server-side of your video chat application will handle initial connections, signaling, and room management. Let's start by setting up the server with Express and
Create a new JavaScript file in your server folder and name it index.js. This file will be the entry point for your server. Add the following code to initialize your web server:
1const express = require('express'); 2const http = require('http'); 3const socketIO = require(''); 4 5const app = express(); 6const server = http.createServer(app); 7const io = socketIO(server); 8 9const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000; 10 11server.listen(PORT, () => { 12 console.log(`Server listening on port ${PORT}`); 13}); 14
This code snippet creates an Express application, wraps it with a Node.js HTTP server, and then attaches to the server.
The signaling server is crucial for establishing peer-to-peer connections. It relays messages between clients, such as offers, answers, and ICE candidates. Add the following code to handle socket events:
1io.on('connection', (socket) => { 2 console.log('A user connected:',; 3 4 socket.on('join room', (roomId) => { 5 socket.join(roomId); 6 console.log(`User ${} joined room ${roomId}`); 7 }); 8 9 socket.on('offer', (offer, roomId) => { 10'offer', offer); 11 }); 12 13 socket.on('answer', (answer, roomId) => { 14'answer', answer); 15 }); 16 17 socket.on('ice candidate', (candidate, roomId) => { 18'ice candidate', candidate); 19 }); 20 21 socket.on('disconnect', () => { 22 console.log('User disconnected:',; 23 }); 24}); 25
This code sets up event listeners for different signaling messages. When a user joins a room, or when offers, answers, or ICE candidates are received, the server will relay these messages to the appropriate room.
The server also needs to handle new user connections and disconnections. The code above already includes the connection and disconnect events. These events log when a user connects or disconnects from the server.
With the server-side code in place, you have set up the backbone of your video chat application's signaling mechanism. The next section'll establish the client-side environment to create the user interface and manage video streams.
The client-side of your video chat application is where you'll manage the user interface and handle the local and remote video streams. You'll need to create an HTML file for the interface, style it with CSS, and write the JavaScript code to manage the video streams.
In your public folder, create an index.html file. This will be the main HTML file for your video chat app. Start with the following basic HTML structure:
1<!DOCTYPE html> 2<html lang="en"> 3<head> 4 <meta charset="UTF-8"> 5 <title>Video Chat App</title> 6 <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css"> 7</head> 8<body> 9 <div id="video-container"> 10 <video id="local-video" autoplay muted></video> 11 <video id="remote-video" autoplay></video> 12 </div> 13 <script src="/"></script> 14 <script src="main.js"></script> 15</body> 16</html> 17
This HTML file includes two video elements: one for the local video stream and another for the remote video stream. It also links to a CSS file for styling and two JavaScript files: one for and another for your client-side logic.
Create a styles.css file to style the video chat interface in your public folder. Add the following CSS to arrange the video elements nicely on the page:
1body, html { 2 height: 100%; 3 margin: 0; 4 display: flex; 5 justify-content: center; 6 align-items: center; 7 background-color: #f0f0f0; 8} 9 10#video-container { 11 display: flex; 12 flex-direction: column; 13} 14 15video { 16 width: 90%; 17 max-width: 500px; 18 border-radius: 8px; 19 margin-bottom: 10px; 20} 21
This CSS centers the video elements on the page, gives them a border radius for a softer look, and sets a background color.
Now, create a main.js file in your public folder. This file will contain the client-side JavaScript code to manage the video streams and events. Start with the following code to access the local video stream:
1const socket = io(); 2 3const localVideo = document.getElementById('local-video'); 4const remoteVideo = document.getElementById('remote-video'); 5 6navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: true, audio: true }) 7 .then((stream) => { 8 localVideo.srcObject = stream; 9 }) 10 .catch((error) => { 11 console.error('Error accessing media devices.', error); 12 }); 13
This code requests access to the user's webcam and microphone using getUserMedia and sets the local video element's source to the obtained stream.
With the client-side environment established, you have the foundation for managing video streams in your video chat application. The following sections explore managing WebRTC peer connections and integrating for signaling.
WebRTC peer connections are the heart of any video chat application, enabling direct video and audio data transfer between users. Let's set up these connections and manage the data flow.
In your main.js file, you'll need to create a function to initialize a peer connection. Add the following code to create and configure the peer connection:
1let peerConnection; 2 3function createPeerConnection() { 4 const config = { 5 iceServers: [ 6 { 7 urls: '' // Google's public STUN server 8 } 9 ] 10 }; 11 12 peerConnection = new RTCPeerConnection(config); 13 14 // Handle ICE candidates 15 peerConnection.onicecandidate = (event) => { 16 if (event.candidate) { 17 socket.emit('ice candidate', event.candidate, roomId); 18 } 19 }; 20 21 // Handle remote video stream 22 peerConnection.ontrack = (event) => { 23 remoteVideo.srcObject = event.streams[0]; 24 }; 25 26 // Add local stream to peer connection 27 const localStream = localVideo.srcObject; 28 for (const track of localStream.getTracks()) { 29 peerConnection.addTrack(track, localStream); 30 } 31} 32
This function initializes a new peer connection with ICE server configuration, sets up event handlers for ICE candidates and remote video streams, and adds the local stream tracks to the peer connection.
ICE candidates are necessary for the peers to connect. The code snippet above includes an event listener for the onicecandidate event, which emits the ICE candidate to the signaling server when found.
You will also need to implement functions to handle offer, answer, and ICE candidate messages received from the signaling server. Add the following code to your main.js file:
1socket.on('offer', async (offer) => { 2 if (!peerConnection) { 3 createPeerConnection(); 4 } 5 6 await peerConnection.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(offer)); 7 const answer = await peerConnection.createAnswer(); 8 await peerConnection.setLocalDescription(answer); 9 10 socket.emit('answer', answer, roomId); 11}); 12 13socket.on('answer', async (answer) => { 14 await peerConnection.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(answer)); 15}); 16 17socket.on('ice candidate', async (candidate) => { 18 try { 19 await peerConnection.addIceCandidate(candidate); 20 } catch (error) { 21 console.error('Error adding received ice candidate', error); 22 } 23}); 24
These functions handle the offer and answer exchange process and add received ICE candidates to the peer connection.
With the peer connections and data flow management in place, your video chat application can now establish direct connections for video and audio communication. In the next section, we'll integrate with WebRTC for signal exchange.
Integrating with WebRTC is crucial for the signaling process, which coordinates the communication between peers before establishing a direct connection.
To facilitate signaling, is used to pass messages such as offers, answers, and ICE candidates between peers. This is done through the socket connection established with the server. Add the following code to your main.js file to handle the signaling:
1const roomId = 'some_room_id'; // This should be dynamically generated or input by the user 2 3// Emit an event to join a room 4socket.emit('join room', roomId); 5 6// Listen for offers 7socket.on('offer', handleOffer); 8 9// Listen for answers 10socket.on('answer', handleAnswer); 11 12// Listen for ICE candidates 13socket.on('ice candidate', handleIceCandidate); 14 15function handleOffer(offer) { 16 // Code to handle incoming offer 17} 18 19function handleAnswer(answer) { 20 // Code to handle incoming answer 21} 22 23function handleIceCandidate(candidate) { 24 // Code to handle incoming ICE candidate 25} 26
This code allows the client to join a room and invites listeners for offers, answers, and ICE candidates.
When a user wants to join a room, the join room event is emitted to the server. The server then adds the user to the specified room. The client also listens for offers, answers, and ICE candidates from the server and handles them appropriately.
To ensure that the signaling process is working correctly, you can add console.log statements within your event handlers to output messages to the console for debugging purposes:
1function handleOffer(offer) { 2 console.log('Received offer:', offer); 3 // Additional code to handle the offer 4} 5 6function handleAnswer(answer) { 7 console.log('Received answer:', answer); 8 // Additional code to handle the answer 9} 10 11function handleIceCandidate(candidate) { 12 console.log('Received ICE candidate:', candidate); 13 // Additional code to handle the ICE candidate 14} 15
With integrated for signal exchange, your video chat application can coordinate the peer connection process. In the next section, we'll enhance the application with additional features and ensure a smooth video chat experience.
After establishing the core functionality of the video chat application, it's time to enhance it with additional features and ensure a seamless user experience.
Consider adding features like file sharing and text chat to make your video chat application more interactive. These features can be implemented using WebRTC's data channels and for non-video data transfer. Here's a basic example of how you might set up a data channel for text chat:
1let dataChannel; 2 3function createDataChannel() { 4 dataChannel = peerConnection.createDataChannel('chat'); 5 6 dataChannel.onopen = () => console.log('Data channel is open'); 7 dataChannel.onmessage = (event) => console.log('Received message:',; 8} 9 10// When receiving an offer or answer, also set up the data channel 11peerConnection.ondatachannel = (event) => { 12 dataChannel =; 13 dataChannel.onmessage = (event) => console.log('Received message:',; 14}; 15
You can send files as binary data over the data channel for sharing. You'll need to handle slicing files into chunks and reassembling them on the receiving end.
Low latency is crucial for real-time communication. WebRTC is designed to minimize latency, but network conditions can affect performance. To ensure the best experience, you might implement adaptive bitrate streaming or other techniques to adjust the quality of the video stream based on the user's connection.
Synchronization between video and audio streams is also important. WebRTC handles synchronization natively, but you should test thoroughly to ensure that video and audio remain in sync across various devices and network conditions.
You can add private video chat session user authentication and room management features. This could involve integrating with an existing user database or creating a simple login system that assigns users to rooms based on credentials or keys.
Here's a simple example of how you might handle room management with
1socket.on('create or join', (room) => { 2 const clientsInRoom = io.sockets.adapter.rooms[room]; 3 const numClients = clientsInRoom ? Object.keys(clientsInRoom.sockets).length : 0; 4 5 if (numClients === 0) { 6 socket.join(room); 7 socket.emit('created', room); 8 } else if (numClients === 1) { 9 socket.join(room); 10 socket.emit('joined', room); 11 } else { // max two clients 12 socket.emit('full', room); 13 } 14}); 15
With these enhancements, your video chat application will offer a richer and more secure user experience. In the final section, we'll discuss testing and deploying your application.
Once you have implemented your video chat application's core features and enhancements, testing it thoroughly before deployment is crucial to ensure everything functions as expected.
Begin by testing the application locally. Test your local network's video and audio streams between browsers and devices. Check for any latency issues, synchronization problems between audio and video, and the overall quality of the communication. Test the additional features like file sharing and text chat to ensure they work seamlessly.
After satisfactory local testing, you can deploy your application to a production server. If you're using Node.js, you might consider servers like Heroku, DigitalOcean, or AWS. When deploying, ensure your server is configured to serve static files correctly. Here's an example of how you might set up Express to serve static files:
1app.use(express.static('public')); 2
This line of code tells Express to serve the files in the public folder as static files, making them accessible to clients.
As you prepare for deployment, consider the following best practices for scaling and securing your application:
By following these practices, you can ensure that your video chat application is reliable and secure and provides a high-quality user experience.
With your video chat application tested and deployed, you now have a fully functional platform for real-time communication. Remember to continuously monitor, update, and improve your application based on user feedback and evolving web technologies.
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